
Yoga and Astrology

Ananda Sangha Worldwide

Question from V: Hello, I was wondering how accurate are astrological readings? People have said that when certain planets are in retrograde on your chart, it may cause you to experience insecurities etc. For a long time, I just thought this was just nonsense… however when I look back at my life, almost all the major challenges I have faced seem to fall…

Can Our Causal Bodies Have Karma to Be Worked Out?

Question from Will: I just re-read “Resurrection of Yukteswar” in “Autobiography of a Yogi”, and in one passage it says “… Such beings have only astral and causal karma to work out.” (p. 413) I understood that in the astral world one could still have karma to be worked out, but not in the causal world. Do you have any notion of what…


Did I Concentrate on My Breath, or Not?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from PRASATH.P: During meditation many thoughts are coming in my mind. I try to concentrate on breath, but I did not know if i concentrated on breath or not. After completing meditation i feel sleepy. Is it correct or not? Please send me correct solution.


Incorruptible Bodies of Saints and Masters

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Rajesh: Dear Guruji, Paramhansa Yogananda and other few great saints had their respective bodies intact evan after a long time after their death. There was no decay or detirioration to their mortal remains post their death. What do you think it implies ? Were these saints got into Nirabikalpa Samadhi? Regards Rajesh

Caring for Animals in Pain

Question from Lee: I am not so familiar with the teachings of Yogananda, but I spent two years & a half years with a teacher who followed these teachings. I am curious about something. She was completely indifferent to animals & suffering. She would not hurt an animal (karma) but would not help one either. If one was hungry or suffering right in…


Experiencing Paranormal Activity

Nayaswami Seva

Question from jiya: Jai Guru ji!! I have a friend who is going through a lot a conflict regarding some paranormal activites around her. She say something inside her says to wake up and she can feel the presence of spirits around her. This is really draining her and she is not able to relax anymore. It all started few weeks back. She…


Is Hearing AUM More Important than Seeing Light?

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from sharon anderson: While I was meditating, I was focused on becoming absorbed in the aum sound, and also seeing the inner light, and a contradiction creeped into my efforts. Swami explained that sight and sound accompany movement, and like a metronome I was trying to dwindle to complete stillness at this point. But, now there would be no aum sound to expect…


Hearing the Inner Sounds

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from Janice Freebern: What is the meaning/significance of hearing crickets in the right ear? (This does not only happen in meditation, but sometimes after I pray; read spiritual literature; etc.) It is only in the right ear. I have read about this before but cannot find this information at the moment. Blessings


God: Personal or Impersonal?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Raju: Vedanta says that there is Consciousness and on that the prana (energy) started to vibrate. Out of this, the “pancha bhoothas” (five fundamental elements) originated. Out of this, all the substances including this universe originated. From all these factors, the consciousness is all-knowing all-pervading …etc. and can be considered as the Supreme God. Then how can be a God personified?


Why Do My Friends Betray Me?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from di: Why friends betray you when you are good to them? I was 22, my very first relationship he cheated on me. I believe in God I am not the one partying, hanging out with boys, wearing short skirt, or wild in any way. Why God puts u in a situation when u did nothing? And if it’s previous karma, when…