
How Do I Find Direction in My Life?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Luisa: How to find my Family and begin my life in the positive path? Where is the Love of my Life?


Can You Meditate While on Medication?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Patrick: Is it safe to take depression and anxiety medication whilst still practicing kriya yoga daily? Or should one stop doing kriya and maybe just do the basic techniques until one is well again? Or should one stop meditating completely? Should one take medication at all? And try and cure ones self through right diet and meditation? Did God inspire man…


How Can I Be Selfless, But Not Overdo It?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Leah: My question is about spiritual softness and tolerance for those who are not even trying as it relates to making my own living. Is it Spirituality harmful to myself to go above and beyond, trying to please my employer and customers by exhausting myself, repeatedly used for superior service without receiving any credit… Or is that spiritual service by definition?…

When Was “The Holy Science” Published?

Question from Toby: When did The Holy Science hit the streets? I see that is was “written” in 1894. What is the date the first copies were printed? I first read Autobiography of a Yogi in 1974 and am still studying yoga. Who was the publisher? Have you ever seen an original copy?


Why Does Meditation Make Me So Happy?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Babji: I have been meditating for 2 years and few times I experienced a deeper state. Upon doing meditation, sometimes I wept while meditating and I am unknowingly weeping while I am watching some emotional movie scenes or even while listening music.Recently after meditation I felt something different that I felt explosive happiness its like complete appreciation of whole universe (earth,…


My Boyfriend Saw a Hellish Spirit at a Cemetery. What Was It?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Meg: My boyfriend and I just went to a cemetery and he saw a spirit. We where wondering what it is. It had glowing red eyes, 9 razor sharp teeth, 2 ft long tongue, arms that where the size our feet and arms combined, and the body was half the arms length, and it had 2 fingers like a crab claw.


I Am Married with Troubles. Should I Divorce?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Sven: Om Shanti. I have a deep question and I apologize for bothering you with it. I understand the Ribhu Gita… there is only Oneself. I came to realize this myself through meditation (I am a member of the Brahma Kumaris) after which I discovered the Ribhu Gita. Anyway, to make a long story short, I am married with two children….


My Family Quarrels About Trivial Things, Also Because I Constantly Express My Opinions

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Koyal: My question is about disharmony in family. There is something about us in my family that can’t restore peace. From nowhere, concerning a very trivial thing, an argument will start, it’s even more likely when all of us are about to sit together for a meal or any family activity. Many times I have been the cause of it and…


Why Does My Body Heat Up When I Meditate?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Sandeep: Hello, I have been practicing Sudarshan Kriya from “Art of Living” since 8 months. I do this Kriya everyday, followed by meditation. Nowadays during meditation, I sense a mildly hot fluid raising from the base of my spine for about 5 cms height and then I feel energy flowing up to my brain. Sometimes i sense that the energy has…