
Do I Need My Spouse’s Permission to Take Initiation?

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Anonymous: I am following a spiritual path joyfully. My husband does not want to support me in this path and feels that the time I spend in spiritual pursuits takes away time from marriage. My children are adults. Recently I wanted to take initiation and asked for permission. He refused to attend the ceremony and so it was postponed. Now he…


Seeing a Scary Image in Meditation

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from swati: When I was meditating I saw a human eye peeping through a door. The scene was like this  — every thing was dark and there was a vertical rectangular white light and between it was a human eye on one side of a face, like someone was looking at me. I felt like it was keenly observing me. The staring eye…


Looking for Spiritual Community

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Thomas: Just one month ago I finished my spiritual journey around the world. I found what I was looking for — meaning. Now, I am profoundly convinced that meditation leads to self-realization. I thirst for more, for a life in a community. But there isn’t one in Germany. And I haven’t the financial possibility to look around yet. Further, my environment isn’t spiritual…


What Is the Use of Performing Mundane Tasks on the Path Toward Enlightenment?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Carolyn: Is there any usefulness to performing life’s mundane tasks, like due dates, college, jobs, etc. in terms of spiritual enlightenment? Right now, my immediate future of college and career building seems mundane and fruitless under the enormous shadow of enlightenment. None of these human-made things can compare! What’s the point of it all?! Is there any spiritual reason to stress…


Why Do My Eyes Twitch When I Meditate?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Heather: As I begin meditation, I am finding that the eyes twitch back and forth as I attempt to maintain the gaze between the eyebrows. Do you have suggestions to help this?


Is It Possible to Become Enlightened on One’s Own?

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Spiritual studies: I am completely overwhelmed with so many books and ancient texts and I have no teacher or guidance. I truly want to connect and to understand and find my way. Is it possible to be enlightened alone?


Does It Matter How You Sit While Meditating?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Kashyap: According to the posture technique the chest should be lifted high and shoulder blades should be drawn together. But I am confused whether to place hands on thigh first and then pull chest up, or whether to pull chest up and then place hands on thigh. Because with each technique has a tremendous impact on mind’s awareness. I would be…


How Can I Develop My Astral Sense Perceptions?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Harshvardhan: In The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam commentary by Yogananda, is said to work on the sense capabilities beyond the physical ones — like listening beyond physical listening. How can I do so?


How to Deal With Pain and Suffering

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Aisshvarya: Please share stories of some hopeless cases that had miraculous results and life turn around — stories to increase faith. Has anyone with herpes zoster been set free from it for life and lead a happy healthy life after praying for it?