
Solution for Family Harmony

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from LS: I have a close family member who is rejecting me but acts like she is not. I apologized to her a couple of times. I must have hurt her which was not intentional. I have been on a spiritual road for 3+ years now, and I know that whatever I give will come back to me. She is much younger…


Experience of Energy and Light in the Room

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Nicky: Last night I was lying in my bed awake and I could see and feel energy, like static, all around the room. I looked into the corner and saw the energy start to spin. It filled up the whole corner from floor to ceiling and there were specks of green light spinning within the white light. It might have been…


How to Stop Kundalini Rising

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from VP: I seriously want to find a way to stop the kundalini rising. I have awakened it with the help of Guru before 10 years, but now even without doing meditation it is getting raised and giving pressure and headache even while reading. Is there any way to stop it?


My Father Has a Terminal Illness. What Can I Do to Uplift His Energy?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Devika: My father has terminal illness and over last few months have been frequent visits to the hospital. He has been deeply devoted to Mother Kali throughout his life and never has been a single day in his life when he did not pray. Now he is almost bedridden. How do I help him? How do I pray for him? What…


What Is the Most Effective Meditation Technique?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Jeffito: Which is the more powerful form of yoga to enhance and accelerate self-realization: kundalini or Kriya Yoga? I wish to learn that which is most appropriate and effective. Can you explain the differences, if that is the correct question? Many thanks!

I’ve Been Feeling an Increasing Vibration in My Throat. What to Do?

Question from Arbi: For over a year now, what started as a subtle vibration, turned into a stronger, clearly noticeable vibration in my throat. Now I have this constant vibration in the back of my throat area, spreading into my head, with both ears ringing. When focused upon, the vibration intensifies, backed with this euphoric, amazing feeling, but sometimes I also experience this…


How Can I Control My Temper?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Nivedita: Please guide me on how to control my temper. I am actually a very soft-spoken and easy going person. But there are times when I get really really angry and then I just lose it. I think it is basically a reflection of my insecurities and frustrations. I want to stay calm in all situations. Getting angry and screaming utter…


I Need a Deep Healing Prayer

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Leena: I am a YSS devotee following the spiritual path of Swami Yogananda for several years. My only brother is suspected of leukemia. I want my brother to recover fast. Can you join me in my prayers in bringing about my brother’s mental and physical healing as early as possible. Also need your advice for a deeper healing prayer.