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Journey into the Heart of Christmas: "The Light of Christ" with Nayaswami Uma

Nayaswami Uma
December 11, 2022

Our glorious journey continues, today with Nayaswami Uma that shares about light, how it is our true destination and how all the light we see in this time can help us to be inspired and to remember what this Christmas season is truly all about; a journey into the inner Light!


[Music] Blessed are the poor in spirit.

Symbols of Light at Christmas Time

Nayaswami Uma:

Greetings, dear friends. I would like to talk to you about light. And we don't often talk about light only, but especially at Christmas time it is such a intimate and important part of the festive season.

And it made me think about light in all of its aspects, meaning, at this time of year - Christmas lights; candlelight; daylight! When we think of Master's teachings we think of the inner light and the light of the spiritual eye, which is even more important.

But light in all its aspects is a very vital part of life. You know, you walk into your house at night and it's pitch dark, and you flip on the light and everything's lifted. Light is a very, very intrinsic part of life and a positive influence on us and at Christmas time, of course.

The Inner Light

I mentioned Christmas lights and candlelight, but also the light of the star that led the Wise Men to the Christ child, which is, you know, according to Master, that is the journey within. That is where we go to touch God, to be aware of God, to be conscious of God and ultimately to unite with God.

And so when we're thinking about Christmas and especially the journey to the light, the journey to God, to oneness, it has to be that inner light that guides us. Master talks a lot in his teachings about, asking that light to come in. His Whispers from Eternity, there's one, I don't remember which, of course, there's so many of them, but where he talks about, "Let me not forget, Your guiding light within me, behind closed eyes, guides me in everything I do outwardly." So it's a light like a lantern, but it's also the light that takes us to oneness, to God.

Thinking of Others

Christmas has all the lovely aspects—this time of year has all the beautiful aspects of, you know—I think of giving gifts and receiving gifts. One time in one of our centers, I remember going to meet someone and it was in a really busy mall. They pointed—they had to do something—and they said "meet me at this store."

So I was standing in this chaotic Christmas shopping frenzy that was going on around me. But when my friend came, she said, "I'm so sorry I left you here waiting for me in all this chaos." And I said, "You know what was beautiful? Everybody that came to the shop window next to where I was standing was saying 'Do you think he'll like this? Do you think she'll like this? What do you think of this for a gift for so and so?' Everybody was thinking about someone else."

So the idea of the outwardness of Christmas, even there, even in the very busy, sometimes chaotic parts of the holiday season where we're doing a lot of things, even in the midst of that, we're doing it for others. Don't forget that it isn't just for you. It's for your enjoyment, yes, but it's also you're thinking of your guest, you're thinking of your family and friends. So all of those remind us of the light, the uplifting light that is guiding everything that is a part of this season especially, but a part of life.

Relating Outer Light to Inner Light

You know, when we use the word "light" or "illumination" we think of expanded consciousness and awareness, education—more knowing. And so in the depths of our being, in our meditations, in every aspect of our lives especially during this season, think about: lighting a candle on your table or wherever on your altar, turning on a light in a room, looking at the Christmas tree.

Once you put your Christmas tree up and the lights are all twinkling, tune in to the inner light. Relate that to the inner light that continually guides us - the light of the sun—if you can see it behind the clouds—but the light of the sun—if it wasn't there we wouldn't be here, you know, in terms of life-giving energy.

But every time there is a light between now and Christmas or beyond, try to remind yourself that it is just a symbol of the deeper reality of where we want to be and the one light that shines inside of us - the light in the east, the star in the east. Master said it was the spiritual eye and not to forget that. That's what the season is all about, all the beautiful things that we think of at this time of year - joy, peace, serenity.

The Nativity Scene

You know, I think of the nativity scene; there's always a star as a part of that; again, light. And that scene has a very serene, beautiful quality. Even, I've had pictures or cards sent to me where it's a silhouette and it still carries—just, even a little black drawing of it—it still carries a deep, deep serenity and, again, those words are all qualities that we want to tune in to, as light is.

Expanding Our Awareness

So, the light of Christ consciousness, the light that shines in the darkness as Master, or the Bible—the Bible says "the light that shines in the darkness." All these references are outward and inward. The light shines in darkness—in a darkened room. You light a candle or a light; everything brightens. A light goes on in a darkened consciousness and it is uplifted and expanded.

So, that word, you know, just the word "light" has so many uplifting and inspiring connotations for us, that we want to be reminded as much as we can to turn that light on outwardly by lighting a candle or a lamp and inwardly by lighting up our consciousness through inspiration, through wanting to carry with us the spirit of Christ, the spirit of the Masters at this time of year especially, but always.

May the light of Christ and the great Gurus shine upon you.
