
Praying for the Dead

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Mathew: ‘Praying for the dead.’ Is it of any use? Can you explain it based on energy?


Astral Projection

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Shubham: Is astral projection real? Can a normal person who is not a gyani or guru do it?


Energy Going Out of the Head

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Sam: At times, I feel like energy is going out of my head. I don’t understand what is this.


Little self, Big Self

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Hannah: After a collective spiritual event with intense devotional chanting, I had the perception of my small self vs. my big self. My small self understood that it has so many emotions and preferences and I do myself a disservice by thinking they’re real and acting on them. I perceived that my big self’s perfection is unimpacted by anything that my…


Feeling Joy with Chanting

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Anonymous: Whenever I chant mentally a mantra or maxim or name of a diety, I feel indescribable joy, contentment and calmness. But by the second or third stint of chanting, I no longer feel the same. It appears like just any other phrase. Is it a problem? Should I even chant with a definite purpose to seek joy and not do…


Aspects of Soul and Mind

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from RAKSHA: What is the difference between 1) soul and spirit, and 2) subconscious, superconscious, unconscious mind?


Whom Can I Trust?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from sabarish: I am a soft-hearted person and spiritual person. I trusted a Person and He stole my mobile by cheating and providing false transaction and as a result, I am losing financially of 1000$ and Lot of family issue in my life at the moment the pain and suffering of that cheating and the trust that i had is totally lost…



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Anonymous: An oft repeated spiritual advice is to negate and efface the ‘self’. However, I possess very vague notions about this concept and in my view mostly fail to do so. Please help me with the nature of ‘self’ and how to starve this feeling of ‘self’ to work for good of all and in the service of good and God?…


How to Handle Nightmares

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Surabhi P Maheshwari: I have experienced severe depression and anxiety for several years. I recently started meditation, an hour daily every morning and night. I am pretty happy with my meditation practice but have been having really bizarre nightmares since about 3 days, consistently. The last one was bad enough for me to wake up more scared than I have been in a…


Is Someone Doing Something to Me?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Filisha: Lately, I am unable to see my way or keep a job. I think someone is doing something to me. My fiancé has a child with a girl whom he claims he has no dealings with. Is he being honest with me? Also, what can I do to make things better in my life and block all evil and bad…