
How Do I Stop an Attraction to Someone at My Workplace?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from hss: Namaste, I wish to know what exactly to do when we want to remove attachment to anyone but we don’t want to break the relationship ie., so-called cords of attachment. When we say we work with someone in the work place and we get attracted to the nature/work of others, especially females. Initially it’s just work-related interactions but later on,…


Building Good Habits

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Devika: What is the most effective method to form a habit? How can you overcome the resistance of bad habits while forming good ones that won’t hold you back?



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Emily Scott: I cannot find the word “scyllas.” It is not in the dictionary. I looked it up on the internet and it is said to be a monster that lives on one side of this water passage. In the poem, it says scyllas of sarcasm. Wondering what the word along with sarcasm means. So grateful to be able to ask someone.


Questions on Will Power & Telepathy

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Gopal Pandey: Why is will power important for telepathy? What is will power? Is it like real energy? Can we do telepathy without will power? How to develop will power (steps)? Can will power decrease over time? How to increase will power when it decreases? Is it true that will power is highest during morning?



Nayaswami Maria

Question from An Nguyen: I told my girlfriend that i would drink alcohol only during special occasion with her. I will not drink to “get wasted”, but only drink to be part of her world (1 glass is enough). I love her and she often say that she explores my world, my values, and takes part in them but often feels that i am…


Inner Silence vs Activity

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from naveen masih: Please guide for how to stay in sakshi. as confused with silence and Atma. Should I stay in subtle soul and watch everything happening its own, or stay in stillness or silence while working my daily job? Still cannot stay for long in “Sakshi”, just 1 or 2 minutes. (Forgive me for if you find ego in this letter please).…


Long-Term Impact of Thoughts

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ashutosh: I came across a book by the name of The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton where he argues that our thoughts determine the development and changes in our body and mind through the proportionate release of hormones and cellular responses (this notion is not simply an idealistic exhortation). Subsequently to a large extent, my occasional depressed and suicidal tendencies…


I am Not Comfortable with My Sexuality

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Natalie: I’m not comfortable with my sexuality. Every time I feel sexual energy or have sexual thoughts I feel ashamed of myself. I know that sexuality is a normal part of the physical experience but it feels wrong to me. I feel like having these thoughts and feelings aren’t spiritual and I feel disgusted when I have sexual thoughts and feelings.…


Is Will-Power a Key to Telepathy?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Gopal Pandey: These days I am trying telepathy. I have seen that when I send telepathic messages after doing something challenging, the message surely reaches the person. But when I am in my comfort zone, my telepathy is not successful. I think this might have something to do with will power. Maybe doing something challenging is increasing my will power, which is…


Manifesting Desires

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Vinko: Is it possible to manifest a desire without taking action? If it is, how is it done?