
How to Find Spiritually Uplifting Work

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Rush: I’ve had it with the ‘job world.’ Selfish and ego-environments everywhere; it is next to impossible to be openly spiritual because any personality differences against the ‘norm’ can be used against you. They don’t even need a good reason to fire you — you know how it is! I want to work (not retire to the forest), but I need…


True Justice Requires Both Karma and Reincarnation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Geetika: It is a law of all civilized countries, that when a prisoner is convicted or executed, he is told the reason why he is being punished. Our higher reasoning and justice call for this. This higher reasoning has been given to us by God. If that is so, then when we get divine punishment, we are very conveniently told all…


Meditation Technique vs. Meditation Experience

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Wilma: I’m looking forward to my initiation into Kriya Yoga this fall. Unfortunately, my spiritual practice is not as steady as it could be. Nevertheless, I experience a strong energy that can manifest itself at will. Combined with my focus on Satchitananda, it creates a sensation that is making me feel so joyful inside. As I understand it, Kriya and meditation…


What Should I Do During Short Meditations?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Patricia: I hope this is not a point I missed when taking the course path for Kriya, but what is the recommendation for a brief meditation like the ones always done near the beginning of the Sunday services at Ananda Village, and also during many of the other online events? I’m not sure what is best to do. 2 regular breathing…


The Guru’s Ray, Flowing Through Disciples

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Kristy: Hello. I understand that disciplic lineage is important in finding a guru, a teacher. How do I go about doing this, or is this one of those when the student is ready, the teacher will appear situations? Thank you for your time.


Tense to Relax

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Malik: Why do my toes curl up and contract on my in breath whislt meditating, and release on the out breath? This happens late in my 45 minutes mediation period. Also why do I experience intermittent anxiety sometimes during meditation and sometimes not really at all.


To Realize the Greatest Benefits of Meditation, Seek a Spiritual Path

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Jessica: Hello! I have an interesting question I’ve been trying to answer for about five years. I used to be very much into meditating, but I had to stop. The reason is, I learned how to go into a state of deep meditation quickly. When I do this, I become aware of all the layers of negative energy and thoughts I…


Can Music Be a Meditation?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from S: In the hong sau technique, we need to observe our breath with concentration.What if the same concentration is given to something else like classical music.Why breath only..Eg..if I sing for very long with concentration,I feel the same peace which people feel in meditation.Does it mean,there are expressions of meditations…like some people feel that peace through photography, dance etc.It is also…


How to Meditate on a Spiritual Experience

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Diana Barrett: On a handful of occasions in the last year or so, I have had the experience (on waking from sleep) of being totally aware. There is not anything to identify with or attach to. Then a second later I become fearful of not knowing and re-identify with my persona. Can you share what state I have been in and how/why…


Using Electronic Devices to Deepen Meditation — a Blessing or a Crutch?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from ruchit: Hello in this modern world there are a lot of devices/ electronic machines like computer to play music i’m using these devices to play different mantras during my spiritual practices personally i feel like i shouldn’t depend on something magnetic for my practices so using those devices will be good or bad??please provide guidance.