
Tragic Loss

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Sowmya s shetty: Recently I lost my sister who was on a trek to Himalayan expedition. She was just 44 years old, leaving behind 2 kids, a husband and my mother who is unable to overcome the grief. Why did it happen? Is my sister at peace now? Can I take the responsibilities of my family effectively now? I need spiritual guidance and…


What is the Spiritual Eye?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from rupert hupsel: I see a circular dark figure with a lighter ring around it. It is not round and moves away from me one after another. Is this the spiritual eye?



Nayaswami Maria

Question from An Nguyen: I told my girlfriend that i would drink alcohol only during special occasion with her. I will not drink to “get wasted”, but only drink to be part of her world (1 glass is enough). I love her and she often say that she explores my world, my values, and takes part in them but often feels that i am…


Getting Along

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Ashutosh: Is it right of us to guide or suggest to our loved ones or others on matters pertaining to health, divinity, blissfulness and spiritual disciplines — even if they are indifferent or hostile to religion and mock our spiritual ways? Or is it better to stay silent and concentrate on our own spiritual and mental health?


What Are these Sounds I’m Hearing?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Tina Schmidt: Last night as I lay wide awake in bed I heard music then in my right ear only a car horn, then shortly after a loud boom — sounded like a gunshot — again in my right ear only, then music again. I would love to know what this means.


Who Is My Guru?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Bs: Almost a year ago I felt a huge urge to meet Amma, so I did and also had a mantra from her with instructions. After that meeting I have been “seeing” Christ and now feel that I want to follow His teachings, but am I than unfaithful with my Guru Amma? When I was on the gathering they said that…


Changing Karma Through Right Action

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Anonymous: What is it that life is teaching you when you get married to a petty minded, abusive family and you grow old in that same atmosphere thinking that your husband, etc. will get better in time, when the whole life of the couple is spent in an abusive, non supportive environment with constant fights. Your will power, self-respect is sapped…


Taking Responsibility

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Ashutosh: Parents feel that the best way to express love for the child is material satisfaction of wants — the excess of which is inimical to spiritual growth. Other ways through which a family can hinder the engagement with spirituality is by not allowing solitude and silent demeanour owing to their concern for the child. The problem is the contradiction between the hardships…


Tragic Loss of a Loved One

Nayaswami Maria

Question from HK: Pranam. I and my sister were traveling together in a car. She died in a car accident and I survived without any injury. I am not able to accept and feel that I couldn’t or didn’t do anything. She was the one who was taking care of her family, including financials as her husband was not working. Her son is…


Loving All

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Natalie: Over time I have accumulated a strong dislike of people, almost a hatred. I find other people to be annoying, selfish, and greedy. Mankind as a species is destructive. I know this negativity is not beneficial to anyone, especially myself. So how do I start finding it in my heart to care about other people?