
Questions about My Guru

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Haq/Hani: Please tell me is there any technique to know that my guru is happy with me or not and how can I see my guru in dream? I feel sometimes a very cool breeze on my body during meditation. What does it indicate? Thank you very much.


Dealing with a Toxic Friendship

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Natalie: I have had a friend for 8 years and have recently realized that the friendship is toxic. We don’t have anything in common anymore, they are pessimistic and at times they are verbally abusive towards me. We are thinking about moving in together because I trust them and they are my only friend, but now I’m having second thoughts. I…


Being in the Body of My Deceased Father

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Marie: In meditation yesterday I came into the body of my father. I believed I was him, felt like him, looked like him. My father passed away 19 years ago. I cried as him uncontrollable — very very very emotional — was sitting and fell to the ground in grief, shouted very loud squealing loudly. I then came to peace as…


Are all tests due to karma?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Jim: Are the tests that come to us always due to karma, or are some tests just tests?


Getting Over Nervousness When Leading Meditation

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Kim: How do I get over the nervousness of leading a meditation. When will it feel natural? I get such performance anxiety and then I feel bad about being in body consciousness.


How Can I Dive Deeper into Meditation?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from m. thangaraj: Sir/Madam, I am a Kriyaban (as per our Guruji Paramahansa Yoganandaji) and I have been meditating sincerely, for the past 2 years (though I have been following, without seriousness for more than 10 years). My question is how to go/dive deep into meditation? I still feel that I should make a serious effort in going deep, without which I shall…


Lucid Dreaming and Astral Traveling

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Daniel Ignacio Uribe Galaz: Hello! I would like to consult about lucid dreams and astral travel. There are authors who point out that these can be a valuable tool for spiritual work. Does Yogananda talk about them? Thank you very much.


Seeking Initiation into Kriya Yoga

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Nancy Y: Dear Master, I would like to be initiated into kriya yoga so I can fine tune my astral energy field, my intention is simply to serve in the new 5D world and make it a better place. As of now I am not ready to completely detach myself just yet (i.e. become a disciple, I assume this is equivalent to…


A Blessing from “The Answer” Movie

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Niraj: I saw the film, The Answer, after which I got a vision of Mahavtar Babaji in my dream. Could this be a blessing from Kriyanandaji? Did all direct disciples of Yoganandaji have his blessings? Has SRF and Ananda Sangha colloborated on any occasion?


How Do I Know whether I Am Making Spiritual Progress?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Michel Metni: How would I know that I am on the right track and progressing. How would I know on what point I stand for achieving realization and what I need to achieve to reach my goal.