
Feeling Sleepy During Meditation

Nayaswami Sadhana Devi

Question from Manash Roy: Many a time I feel sleepy while meditating and I become irritated for that. How can I keep wide awake while meditating


Where to Direct Our Love

Nayaswami Devi

Question from S: I’m having difficulty understanding the concept of “be more loving and you will attract love.” This is something I hear repeatedly from many teachings. However, I’m don’t understand who to be loving towards — Myself, God, others? Where do I start? Is there a prayer or affirmation? Thank you


Is God a Tyrant?

Nayaswami Seva

Question from X: If God is no tyrant, then why is everyone suffering so much? Yoganandaji says that we punish ourselves for our sins. Are we not a part of God? Then, is it not true that God is a tyrant?


Receptivity – When Giving or Receiving a Blessing

Nayaswami Seva

Question from m: Hello! First of all thank you so much for answering our doubts with so much of clarity.It really helps. My question is- Is it necessary that when we take blessing on the forehead, how much we receive would only depend upon our level of receptivity, or does it also depend upon the level of receptivity of the person blessing us?…


Yogananda’s Thoughts on Suffering and Karma

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from John C: Namaste. I believe PYji has said many things related to suffering & happiness, including: 1) Suffering is (solely) a result of man’s transgressions of God’s laws (or Will), 2) Man should recognize & embrace one’s God-given role, whether that of a king or servant, whether that of happiness or sorrow. The latter implies that suffering can also be due simply…


The Danger of Siddhis (Yogic Powers)

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Niraj Sharma: Did Paramhansa Yoganandaji make any comment on occult powers siddhis etc.? If so what were those comments? In his Autobiography it is mentioned in one chapter that he himself had some occult power ie the power to see immediate future. If am not mistaken in his childhood days he knew that he would get a boil on his hand the…


Was Yogananda an Avatar (Incarnation of God)?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Kailash: Was Gurudeva (Yoganandaji) an Avadhut or an Avatar? I have some doubts relating to this, as Gurudeva spoke of his previous incarnations, as William the Conqueror, and also as a diamond. But I feel I’ve read that Sri Yukteshwar named him a “Premavatar”. Also, I remember Swami Kriyananda saying (in one of his recent Satsangs, I guess) that even William…


How to Be Free from the Fear of Death

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from carrie: blessings. I have a question pertaining to fear of death. lately I feel like any pain or circumstance of potential illness of this body creates this intense fear that I am dying. and it bothers me. I want to confront and transcend this and realize there is no need for fear. I know this but these thoughts still keep arising….


Shiva Stands for Soul-Liberation

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from R: Is worship of Shiva equivalent to worshiping death, destruction, and catastrophe?


The Awakening of Kundalini

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from livehho: hello all. i was wondering if you could help me understand a couple of things – when you see the light of the spiritual eye in meditation, does is mean that your kundalini has raised up to the 6th chakra (ajna)? – do you get liberated from physical reincarnation when your kundalini reaches the 7th chakra (sahasrara)?