
What Does it Mean When Your Forehead Tingles During Meditation?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Priya: While meditating, my forehead centre near my eyebrows have some pulling energy and tingling effect. I don’t focus on centre actually. I just keep myself calm and blank my mind and relax myself, but still why does my forehead has so much pulling energy? It’s not painful but sometimes my vision is like broadened. This pulling an dtingling stays for…


Overcoming Negative Habits of Mind and Body

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ashutosh: I struggle day and night to control my baser self, in vain for about 8-9 years. It’s not as if I had no success. But it was short-lived and temporary. I find myself firmly in the clutches of the temptations of mind. I pray daily in the morning to God to help me. But by evening I’m back to my…


Protection from Negative Influences

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Tammy: I’m aware I have spiritual senses. Many years I asked for it to leave me. Yet I know I need this for inner clarity and my chakras are all out of balance. Which one do I start with or can I work on all? I am cancer, water, moon by nature. My issue is I draw or feel others’ energy….


If My Sadness Disappears After Meditation, Are My Problems Not Serious?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Carolyn: If my sadness disappears after meditation, does that mean that the problems causing these heavy emotions aren’t serious? Or is that what deep meditation does to any emotion no matter how serious and deeply it affects you? P.S: I am struggling with grief; I am seeing a therapist however.


How Can I Control My Unwanted Tears?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Koyal: Sometimes when I am upset by another person’s reaction to a certain situation (most of the time the issue is trivial), instead of blurting out, I shed out tears uncontrollably. I instantly feel relief after this however, the fact that I cannot control my tears weighs me down heavily, especially if the other person is just an acquaintance. Last time…


Spirituality and Freedom in Iran

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Siddharth Kumar: Why is Iran so spiritual land? People of Iran are much more interested in Yoga/Meditation than neighbour Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Iran is also land of Sufis like Rumi, Omar Khayyam, which is a sharp contrast from other Islamic countries which are very closed minded. Second question, when will Iran get independence from Islamist dictator government, which doesn’t represent the…


Do Astral Beings Eat and Discharge Waste?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Frank: Hello, from what I read in self-realization teachings, the physical body is an exact replica of the astral body. So if the physical body has a stomach and intestines, to digest and discharge waste, that means the astral body must also have an astral stomach, intestines to digest and discharge waste from the astral body. So does that mean that…


What Is Right Action?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ashutosh: God says that if He at once stopped performing His prescribed duties, the whole world would follow his path. Does that mean if most of the people in the world deviate from their duties, God is also somewhere or the other responsible? That means He too is neglecting His duties although He Himself says that He need not perform any…


In a Special Meditation Experience, Was I on the Verge of Death?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Karen: While in the deepest mediation, I’ve been able to achieve this so far: my angel, Uriel, was at my shoulder walking me towards the white light shining from the dark, with an unknown past love, extending his hand to me and souls surrounding him in the back. I so wanted to go thru to the light, I started mild chest…


Is Life as a Student and Yogi Compatible? (Managing Stress)

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ashutosh: Is the life of a student and yogi compatible? Is simultaneous development of modern rational intellect and spirit possible? Student life requires going through break-neck competition and much pressure but a yogi has to be equanimous and balanced. A yogi has to be moderate and balanced with his diet and sleep — while students have to constantly make changes in…