Video and Audio

Sesame Crackers

Nayaswami Diksha
October 7, 2020

Download the recipe here: 

Learn how to accomodate special diet recipes and begin cooking vegetarian. This video covers how to make sesame crackers. These crackers are healthy delicous snacks, that can be make with wheat or with gluten free flour, for an aspiring vegan chef, or for those looking for tips on how to cook these kinds of delicious meals for friends and family.

You can see more vegetarian recipes by Diksha here.

Learn more about the Online with Ananda vegetarian cooking course, made especially for beginners, those looking for fresh recipe ideas, or those interested in the science of ayurveda for cooking along with the seasons.


Diksha McCord was the head chef at The Expanding Light Yoga and Meditation Retreat for seven years, where she taught vegetarian cooking classes. (Available online at She now teaches meditation, yoga, and spiritual living classes.

She grew up in Israel where she learned healthy ways of cooking. She graduated from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Bezalel National Academy of The Arts.

She studied art in Japan at Kyoto Art University. While living in Kyoto she studied Buddhist Temple cooking. She also studied Ayurvedic, macrobiotic and Indian cooking from premier California chefs.

Diksha has been part of the Teaching staff at The Expanding Light Retreat, The Ananda School of Yoga and Meditation for over 27 years.


Crystal Clarity is the publishing house of Ananda Sangha Worldwide in the United States.

Our mission is to help individuals expand in their awareness of the Divine, and to demonstrate practically how to apply spirituality to every facet of life: success, family, health, education, and more. Our offerings are based on the revolutionary teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the well-known spiritual classic, *Autobiography of a Yogi.* Our founder, Swami Kriyananda, strove to combine the highest insights of the East with the practical-mindedness of the West.

What Does Crystal Clarity Mean?

Crystal Clarity means to see oneself, and all things, as aspects of a greater reality; to seek to enter into conscious attunement with that reality; and to see all things as channels for the expression of that reality. It means to see truth in simplicity; to seek always to be guided by the simple truth, not by opinions; and by what is, not by one’s own desires or prejudices. It means striving to see things in relation to their broadest potential. In one’s association with other people, it means seeking always to include their realities in one’s own. (From Kriyananda’s book *Cities of Light.*)