
Will I Reunite with My Family After Death?

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Jacqueline Minnis: Can I reunite with my husband and family in the after and know each other from our past? And do they remember me while I’m still on Earth?


Life after Death

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Gayatri: Where do souls go after the death of the physical body?




Question from Katherine: My niece recently passed away tragically in a car roll over. She was only 22 months old. My mother was the driver, she fell asleep behind be wheel. Everyone else in the car survived except her. It breaks our heart because she was just a baby. My heart breaks everyday for my brother and his partner. I just can’t understand…


How much Karma do we have?

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Pravin: How can a yogi know how much karma is left and how much is gone? Can they access everything of the mind?


Next Lifetime

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Michelle: What life choices, actions, or events would most likely carry on into the next lifetime? (Ex: marriage, being wealthy, having a new hobby, etc.)


Loss of My Boyfriend

Mary Kretzmann

Question from Anita Sihotra: Dear Sir/Mam, Before 20 days ago, I lost my boyfriend. I don’t know the actual reason of death. Before death he was chatting with me on whatsapp and according to information he talked to his father also on telephone. I am in so much pain and try to recover but unable to do. He didn’t bother me after death and…

How Do I Free Myself From Karma?


Question from priya iyer: Hi, I’m Priya iyer from Bangalore, India.. I wanna hw to clear our past n present karma, coz me n my family r suffering from different issues, nothing is long lasting.. Let me know which temple to visit vth details.. Thanks in advance..


Where Has My Son Gone After Death?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Shireen Gokool: I am from South Africa working in China. My 25yr old son was involved in a car accident two weeks ago, He was unconscious and then taken to hospital and was still unconscious. He passed away the next day. Please tell me if he will be fine in the after life if he was unconscious the whole time. I was…


Overcoming Jealousy

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Rajesh Shankar: Divine Gurus, how do I conquer Jealousy ? I have had a very tough life struggling for everything, full of miseries and I see some people who are lucky and get all what they want very easily. I am not able to appreciate them for their success and happiness but feel a kind of hatred for them. Slowly I have…


When will Yogananda be reborn?

Nayaswami Dharmarajan

Question from David St. Clair: 30 years ago I read a quote from one of Yogananda’s books where he stated that his next rebirth would be in something like 150 years at a center of learning, high in the himalayas, at a time of great technological advancement and when the world would be in great peace. What book is this from and how many years…