
When I Fall in Love…

Nayaswami Dharmadevi

Question from Aditi: Namaste. I suffer from a bad problem. Whenever I fall in love with someone I tend to give all my self in loving that person and forget about the rest of the world. But most of the time that relationship ends dramatically and I suffer tremendously. How can I develop the power of not concentrating on that person solely?


How to Be at Ease with People

Nayaswami Sabari

Question from Rekha: Hello, My husband has recently started mingling with people and he feels anxious and as they are working/studying with him he wants everything to go right. I feel like mostly strangers are cold in the first instance and would want to know how can I spiritually overcome this feeling and meet all kinds of people with compassion. At the same…


When Friends Treat Us Badly

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from R.Nandini: Hi, I am facing a problem with a friend. She had insulted me in the past a couple of times and was never sorry about that . I decided to stop talking to her because trying to make her understand how she was making me feel did not work. I completely ignored her presence . As a result of this,…


Who Is My mother? Who Is My father?


Question from sai parvathi v: My problem is that, i feel that i should have no conflicts with people around me (my parents) and no emotional blocks mounting in my heart to grow spiritually. Unfortunately, i have so many things, that i want to talk to my parents. But they are not the listening type. When i speak, they immediately try to contradict what i…


Unrequited Romantic Love

Nayaswami Sadhana Devi

Question from S: Hi, I have read that we come into this world to learn our lessons, if we understand why that test is there, and put positive energy in that direction, we can learn faster. Now, in my life till now, I have found out that there is one test pattern that comes repeatedly. Whenever I love a guy, that guy never…


An Ugly Divorce

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Sandilion: How is it possible to forgive or to let go of fear and anger when the person who hurt you continues, deliberately and unrelentingly, to do so? An ugly divorce, in which I did my utmost to remain civilized, has devolved into guerilla warfare where my ex uses our kids to “stick it to me.” Particularly when my children are…

Helping a Loved One Grow Beyond Their Limitations

Question from Rekha: My husband is quite an introvert and once he faces a tough situation with people I tend to see him quit or withdraw. I have been trying to encourage him to stay in the situation and be positive but am unable to. It is not like I don’t want to accept this part of him but I see him wanting…

Sharing the Teachings with Family

Question from Truth seeker: I and my father sometimes ask questions to each other regarding spirituality. Now that I’m reading many things in Ananda website which Guruji had taught, I try to explain these things to my parents, so that they can be relieved of some tension and be pure in mind. When I was young, my mother told me to read a chart…


If He Isn’t My “Soulmate,” Should I Marry Him?

Asha Nayaswami

Question from KT: Hello, Due to circumstances I have to marry someone without my full consent. My parents think that this is the perfect situation and this marriage will bring me a lot of happiness.The man that I am marrying is a good person. But, I am not attracted to him.I don’t get the feeling that he is my soulmate. I have lost…


Where to Direct Our Love

Nayaswami Devi

Question from S: I’m having difficulty understanding the concept of “be more loving and you will attract love.” This is something I hear repeatedly from many teachings. However, I’m don’t understand who to be loving towards — Myself, God, others? Where do I start? Is there a prayer or affirmation? Thank you