
Are Demons and Fallen Angels Real?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Maya Day: Are demons/fallen angels real? If so, what actually are they and how do we better protect ourselves from their deceptive influence on our spiritual walk to have more confidence and trust in what we are doing? Also, what is the accurate interpretation of Hell? What is it, really?


When Should I Take My Astrological Bangle Off?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Chris: I’m so excited for my new bangle but am aware that, with summer approaching, I have a lot of travel/days in the sun planned. This means, for me, lots of airports, sun protection lotion, and ocean time. I’m cognizant this means I’ll likely have to take my bangle on/off a lot more frequently than I’d like (airport security) and there…


I’m on the Spiritual Path, and My Friends Aren’t Interested

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Jaclyn: I tend to draw friends whom I don’t feel comfortable developing a close relationship with. I’m deeply into a spiritual path, and it seems that I do not have much to share with them nor do I enjoy the same activities. I also need a lot of space, as I’m constantly searching inward. However, I believe these friends are in…


How Can We Balance Our Material Life and Spiritual Life?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from SS: How is meditation related to gaining material prosperity? what is the relationship between spiritual practices and material wealth? it seems very abstract and difficult to see the connection? people often think that spirituality and material wealth have no relation, and in fact that “spiritual” people appear “poor” externally at least, and this is discouraging as it is not a practical…


What Is the Purpose of This Existence? Why Did God Create Us?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Vishwesh Iyer: Hi Swamiji, Pranam. If the purpose of the human soul is to merge with God one day, then why did God create us or separate us from him? What is purpose of God in creating this universe, making us go through so many incarnations, Make us face the fruits of our Karma, making us put spiritual effort to find God…


I’m Frustrated with My Life. What Can I Do to Improve It?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Anonymous: Guruji, I Have been facing lot troubles from the year 2022, Now So much Frustrations I Have, I’m at age of 36, Still not Married, My work was not also stable, only Downgrading no improvements in my life. can guruji give me some suggestions to follow.


Unanswered Question

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Tony jeffery: I have just commenced the energisation exercises which initially seem complex because it appears you have to concentrate on so much going on at once, ie the exercise itself, the energy flowing into the medula, the point between the eyes, the degree of tension, the breathing process etc etc. A lot to think about all at once…! Have you any…


Why Do I Cry in Meditation?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Riya Sharma: Every time I meditate, I cry uncontrollably. I am a spiritualist and I am aware of this gift from god but my question is: Why do I cry? Can you explain me the connection? During meditation, I see the universe and feel goosebumps. I never have bad days but why do I cry so much at the end of the…


Does Money Inhibit Spiritual Growth?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Andi: Hi .I have a question about money. Money should be used to meet the basic necessities of life, Yogananda said, and nothing more. What it means that I can’t enjoy things that comes for example like results of helping others? If the money should be used only for basic necessities why i have to accept material wealth that comes from…