Why Do I Cry in Meditation?


Every time I meditate, I cry uncontrollably. I am a spiritualist and I am aware of this gift from god but my question is: Why do I cry? Can you explain me the connection? During meditation, I see the universe and feel goosebumps. I never have bad days but why do I cry so much at the end of the day when I sit to meditate?

—Riya Sharma, United States


Dear Riya,

If I understand you correctly, you don’t cry for sadness. That too can happen. But you cry for the immenseness and glory of the universe. That is good, it is an expression of devotion. The trick is not to close the heart and the devotion down, but to calm it and interiorize it. Practice a calming pranayama, for example the even breathe, inhale, hold, exhale for the same count, for 12 times. Then try to feel your sense of awe into calmness. That will take you into meditation. You can do other pranayamas. Try to relax the emotion and make it a deep calm feeling, devotional in nature. In meditation observe the breath. It too will calm the heart. Keep it open and in silence offer its feelings to the spiritual eye, toward the Divine, or the Universe.

Be blessed by the heavenly touch in meditation,
