What Is the Purpose of This Existence? Why Did God Create Us?


Hi Swamiji, Pranam.

If the purpose of the human soul is to merge with God one day, then why did God create us or separate us from him?

What is purpose of God in creating this universe, making us go through so many incarnations, Make us face the fruits of our Karma, making us put spiritual effort to find God - to become one with him again..

What's the purpose of this Leela / play? Why did God want to become many & make us go through this long ordeal to merge with him?


—Vishwesh Iyer, Canada


Dear Vishwesh,

God created all this as a movie, in which He enjoys His ONE being in many, with colors, forms, drama, and a happy end.

Why did He do that, with all the suffering involved? One day you must ask Him, personally: “Why, God? Was it really necessary?”

At any rate, it is said that when the drama finishes, in the end of our journey when we merge with Him, all of us will say, “Well done, Lord!”

But in the middle, when life is tough, it is hard to understand.

All the best,