Unanswered Question


I have just commenced the energisation exercises which initially seem complex because it appears you have to concentrate on so much going on at once, ie the exercise itself, the energy flowing into the medula, the point between the eyes, the degree of tension, the breathing process etc etc. A lot to think about all at once...! Have you any tips on how to approach this, and with so much going on, how do I know I'm doing everything correctly?

Namaste 🙏


—Tony jeffery, UK


Dear Tony,

Yes, it’s a lot. I would follow a succession which Swami Kriyananda taught.

First step: Concentrate on the physical part, isolating the muscles, learning the movements, the double breath, the gradual tension and relaxation.

Second step: Once you have that down, concentrate on the feeling of energy behind the physical tension. It can take some time, be patient.

Third step: Learn to draw that energy from the medulla oblongata. Basically you send the energy from the medulla to the part you are tensing.

It is good to look at the spiritual eye as you do that, but your focus is not on the spiritual eye but on the energy and directing it, just as in the Hong Sau meditation: you have the eyes slightly raised, but your concentration is not there, it is on the breath. Similarly, you don’t really concentrate on the spiritual eye during the Energization Exercises. You just lift the eyes slightly, if possible. You concentrate on the energy.

I think with this gradual process, you will succeed well and will do things correctly.

All the best,