
Unconditional Love vs. Negative Energy

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Neil: Does unconditionally loving someone mean that you accept frequent negative energy from them? What if, despite many efforts to reconcile the situation, there is a recurring pattern of negative energy towards you from the other person (especially if the other person is your spouse)?

How to Sit Longer in Meditation

Question from Mrudula: hi, I am folloiwng the kriya meditation almost daily..I need to know how to increase my ability to sit for longer periods of time. Mrudula


Strange Sensations in Meditation

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from J: I’ve just finished meditating and I had to stop because the sensations I was feeling were too much for me to handle. It was like my body was ready to burst out of itself, if that makes any sense. Now, let me explain that these weren’t negative feelings whatsoever. But my body seemed to be vibrating and “tingling” at such…


Emotional Over-Sensitivity

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Jabari: In regards to over-sensitivity Master says that it stems from a lack of control over the nervous system. I tend to get oversensitive about relationships and feelings, then get into certain moods that put a cover over my inner peace and joy in God. I also then find it difficult to do things I know I need to… Are there…


Body Feels Larger in Meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from jonathan: When I meditate, mainly using a mantra/breathing method, after around 20 minutes, I have a feeling that my body is much larger than it is physically and I am but a small object moving within it. Is this normal? Or just a way I experience my conciousness? Also, are there any ways I can emerge from this state, feeling as…

Dealing with Anger

Question from rakesh: despite i know anger is harmfull but it comes with such huge force that i fail to overcome,pl suggest way to solve problem


Staying Positive in a Difficult Job

Nayaswami Dharmarajan

Question from Nair: Few days back, I was told about a possible threat to my job and to mitigate this threat, I have been trfd to another dept. However, the job content is not something I enjoy and hence am not happy though I do not have a choice. I am trying my best to remain +ve and have asked PY and Sw…


Offer Your Mistakes to God

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Anonymous: Swami Kriyananda said in one of his discourses that master said we should offer to god even the mistakes we make and make him responsible for them so that he gives us the power to change them.How do we offer to god?


Free Will

Asha Nayaswami

Question from karen: Hi I have read how we are more evolved than animals as we have free will, and we can use that will to choose what we do and how we live. But I have also read that none of what we do is our (individual) doing — its all god acting through us, even when we are creating bad karma….


Tapping into Divine Inspiration

David Eby

Question from J: How do I tap into divine inspiration? I’m currently working on a project for school and I’m at a block in my progress. I know that if I could receive my guidance from God and “run with it”, I would be ok? So how do I do it? :)