
The Karma of Premature Death

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Venkat: I have been reading a lot of articles about meditation, the third eye, and conscious dying. I hear people say that blessed are those who pass away peacefully in sleep, by aging or by natural causes. That sounds unfair. There are so many good, kind, and wonderful people who pass away in accidents, terror attacks, natural disasters…..are those persons not…


A Black Angel Is Following Me Everywhere I Go

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Gabby: There’s a black angel following me everywhere I go. A man with the third eye once told me there’s a huge giant black fat man following me. I wasn’t surprised when he told me, because I can’t get close to people, and people can’t get close to me because this situation fights & hurts people when I get close to…


Why Do People Fail at Maintaining a Meditation Practice?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from pooja: I have 2 questions: 1. I have been off routine on kriya for a long time. How do I get back on track? Start with hong sau and practice Kriya only when I am back on routine with the other practices? 2. I feel sucked out of energy at a lot of places. I feel energetically low and feel that…


Is this Relationship Meant to Be?

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Anonymous: I have fallen in love with a man older than me. While I was praying to God one day for us, I lost my blood on the mandir steps. Similarly, when we met for the first time, he mysteriously cut his finger and he also lost blood. Does this mean God is giving me a sign that this is a…


During Meditation I Feel a Cool Flow of Energy

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Vivek: Questions in Kriya practice: 1) Most of the time after the invocation of the gurus, I feel a cold stream flowing from the crown and hitting me at the point where the pineal gland is located. Though I gaze at the spiritual eye, avoiding that sensation, still that sensation is exaggerated with time even though I am gazing at the…


Is It Bad to Doubt God?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from AO: Is doubt in God bad? And is it really possible for a person to be 100% certain that God exists when he or she has never personally experienced God?


Expansive vs. Contractive Family Love

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Michelle: My brothers and I are half-siblings with a large age gap (12-14 years). Because of this, we have seen each other as more of distant relatives instead of siblings. We never talk about our feelings or thoughts to each other. A while ago, after my brothers broke up with their girlfriends, I have been able to spend time with them…


I Dreamed that a Snake Climbed on My Neck & People Worshiped Me

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from GS Raahul Preeyatharshann: Ever since I started practicing Kriya Yoga, I have had a few dreams where in I met the YSS line of Gurus. Recently, I started my intense Kriya Yoga practice and I had a dream in which I was in a temple standing in front of Lord Shiva’s Linga. Suddenly a snake from the temple climbed on to my neck…


I Long for a More Personal Relationship with My Guru

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Beata: Hello! I met my Guru one year ago and have followed her teachings after that. My guru has very very many disciples which (can’t stop it) makes me also very sad because it feels like it’s hopeless to develop a relationship with her (even if I know it’s an internal relationship) But I long so much for also a bodily…


Satvic Diet and Kundalini Energy

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Chandrasekaran K: I have been meditating for the last 10 years consistently. Qn 1: What are the satvic food practices to get a healthy body without digestive problems for going deeper in meditation ? Qn 2: I am doing yoga postures spontaneously while in meditation and the kundalini energy starts raising from the muladhara chakra. I am realizing the light in ajna…