
If I Go to Healers Am I Sidestepping My Karma?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Anonymous: I suffer from a constant feeling of hunger, no matter what I eat (20 y). I went to a homeopath who cured my brain fog (another symptom I had). Then I went to an energy healer. I think the energy healer awoke my energy. I am more present and I got interested in spirituality. I am concerned that by going…

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Secrets of Answered Prayers

Nayaswami Mantradevi shares this inspiring advice and a story from Yogananda’s life during her Sunday service at Ananda Village, October 24th 2021. You can find the complete talk here. 


Should I Seek Marriage?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Prashanth Swami: Namaste, I am Prashanth. I am meditating from past 10 or 12 years. I experience bliss whenever I become still due to energy flow through out the body. Although this bliss is available to me the desire for romantic relationship is still there meaning it has been less intense compared to past years. There is attractions and arousals as well…

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Ego-Transcendence: Dealing with Criticism

When others criticize us, it’s easy to react and retaliate–this is how the tangled web of karma is woven! Instead of creating more karma for ourselves, we can work on not reacting. When one feels criticism from others, instead calmly look inside to see if there is any truth to the criticism and work to change oneself. And if not–to…


When Seeking God, Are Karma and Duties also Important?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Dr. Bhupinder Kaur: If a person is doing hours of meditation since last 15 years but still having lots of anger , frustration and Ego, not looking after small children. and family but claiming that she will see God. Is this the right path to achieve God or karma and duties are also important.

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Kindness: Inspiration for the Week

Kindness: Inspiration for the Week When you can view all human beings as members of your own extended family-your brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers, and children-then you will find wherever you go that love awaits you, welcomes you! It is God who gazes back at you, when you behold Him in all! Kindness is the recognition that all are truly…


How to Have More Time for Spiritual Practices

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Cat: Hi, I have been working as a software engineer for 6 years. I was never passionate about it and always thought it’s just a way to make money and was fine with that for the past few years. Recently, I started to realize it’s not a good idea to trade my time for money. I would rather spend my time…


Do We Carry the Merits of Our Previous Births?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Radha: Greetings, I know about an incident where a famous and prominent personality, a woman astronaut, died an untimely death. took rebirth but this time in a poor unprivileged family. This incident was recorded a few years ago when a young child claimed to be this significant person and exhibited similar behavior. My question is because the soul is born in…