
My Ears Are Ringing at the End of Meditation

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Richard Fyke: I often experience “ringing” in my ears near the end of my meditation — should I be concerned? ( I have meditated for 30 years using the TM approach — I recently changed to your technique)


Sharing Meditation with Children

Nayaswami Nitai

Question from Sarah: Blessings! I am a SRF student and mother of a young son. I was wondering what the appropriate age is for teaching meditation to children? Thank you for your response!


There Are Too Many Meditation Instructions!

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from mankaran: Hello , I have been doing meditation from a few weeks . Initially it was a fantastic feeling of being mindful and happy . Then i read a few articles on it . Osho says concentrate on your Hara . Monks say concentrate on an area 2 fingers above your belly and some say concentrate on your third eye ….


Meditation and Grieving

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Ashley: I am new to meditation and find that, when I begin to sit, instead of being able to embrace the stillness I am flooded with emotion and cry. I have such unresolved grief and sadness that being in the present moment is next to impossible. Any suggestions?


Chakras Awakening: Cricket Sounds and Pressure in the Forehead

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Gopal: I hear like a cricket sound in both my ear, mainly my left. And my forehead feels like it wants to burst; its like an energy that want to come out, especially when I meditate is that normal?


I’ve Been Meditating — Why Am I Not Having Spiritual Experiences?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Suraj Shahapure: Hello, I have been doing the meditation since one year. I can control my thoughts and achieve conscious state of observation of breathe only. I meditate daily for one hour early in the morning. But, my experience is that, till now, i have not yet received a state of openings of “CHAKRA’s”, or “third eye experience” or “seeing the masters”…


How Long Can I Meditate For?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ramya: Is there a maximum time limit for mediation for beginners? I have been practicing it for a week now started with half an hour for few days and As I felt like extended to sit for 1 hour changing position of sitting cross legged to vajra asana after the first half an hour just to make myself more comfortable to…


Suggestions for Sitting Properly in Meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Akhilesh Vyas: Hello Sir, I feel a cramp-like sensation in my leg while meditating, when I become more concentrated. Some kind of energy wants to travel through my leg nerves but because of blockage it can’t flow and my leg shakes and tries to move in some different direction.