
Sleepy meditations

Nayaswami Seva

Question from John Shelton: I have been meditating twice a day and am going through the lessons in the home correspondance course. I’m on the Hung-Sau technique. My problem is in the morning when I wake. I sit to do the meditation and have the hardest time staying awake. I have been sitting in half-lotus position during my formal meditation times. Should I wait…


Energization Exercises

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Sandy: My husband and I were doing the Energization Exercises until we went to a Ananda service. We knew a lot of the exercises, was wondering if there is a CD to show how to do these.?


When you are ready to follow one teacher

Nayaswami Seva

Question from vinay: I was following the lessons from YSS, but due to circumstancial reason, i made another guru and his beahaviour,affected my mind and i lost interest in every thing and the lessons from yss,can any body help me to revive my lost treasure,which i gained from those lessons>


Can loving be a problem?

Nayaswami Seva

Question from deepak: Hariomm, Dear one, what is real love? What happens, when one falls in love? If I love, then will I be in problem?


Weeping for God

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Mansi: At times i get a sort of tickling or i don’t know how to explain that happens when i think of God or Gurudeva or if I am reading or listening to something that is used to happen before also but these days it happens too often..I also get a lot of goosebumps!! {I weep a lot for…


Keeping up appearances

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Christin: Hello there! I’m pretty ashamed for my question. I’m a spiritual person, praying, meditating and practicing yoga daily. But I just cant stop worrying so much about my body and my totally annoyes me. I guess I have too little self-consciousness, otherwise I wouldnt care that much. How can I overcome to waste so much energy on this issue?…


My aging mother disapproves of spiritual practices

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Diana Barrett: My mother has always been about her and what she thinks is right and its right for everyone. Spiritual awakening is my goal. I do the spiritual practice around her. She is aging, 79, fearful, lonely, mother whom I would not choose as a friend, who calls and crosses boundaries and judges and tells me what to do/is wrong with…


Being Alone

Nayaswami Seva

Question from tanya: I do not know who to ask, but I am so lost in this world as never before. Today I have found myself in a big fear of getting old alone without my own family, and my own children. And I have asked God, will I have childer? … For a moment I felt very shocked and stressed by feeling…


Lacking self-confidence

Nayaswami Seva

Question from sanjay nayak: Sir i dont have self confidance,for everything whether it is work or healt or about family first negative thoughts are coming to my mind and it repeats in my mind due to which i m not able to sleep ,i dont feel any interest in anything. can you please help me how to control my mind?


Love: human or divine?

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Vinay: Hi, Could you tell me what is Love? Is human love and love for God, different? How can we say that love between two people is delusive, and not the reflection of the same love we have for God, since we too are a relection of Him? Why is the desire of intimacy with the opposite sex a hindrance, if…