
Phenomenon in Meditation

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Mel Taylor: Hello, any spiritual advice would be greatly received. I’ve recently started meditating daily and frequently astral project. The last two times I’m experiencing a pendulum type instrument knocking from the base of my spine upwards as this intensifies I begin swaying backwards and forwards lightly but as it picks up speed I immediately return to my physical body at speed…


Meditation Experiences

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Antonio dacosta: Good day to you i am looking for answers concerning the next level of after the 6th chakra has been focused upon so we just try to live our lives we know there is something there for us for we have seen many unworldly things and have experienced many things such as astro projection and lucid dreams. I want to…


Spiritual Eye

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Mima: I have heard of some yogis who are seeing Kutastha all the time, regardless of meditation, kriya or performing jyoti mudra. What does that mean, in spiritual sense, when such yogi is constantly seeing Kutastha?


Location of the Point of Kutastha

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Damodar Satapathy: How can you locate the correct point of the Kutastha? How can you avoid eyeball movement?


I’m Seeing Images through My Third Eye

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Denise: I am seeing various images through my third eye while I am asleep. They are so clear. They startle me and I immediately wake up. Is this normal? Also, there have been three people that I have seen that I felt had touched me in various ways. Tonight I fell asleep and I saw someone above my head holding a…


How to Practice Meditation Correctly

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Benedikt Kaffanke: I am meditating now for a year 30min/day sessions, mainly focusing on the breath in sinus area (root of the nose, near third eye). I feel the breath more clearly on the in breath, coolness, slight pressure. But not so clearly on the out breath. I could also hear my breath inwardly when I got (in the course of a…


Heart-Centered vs. Spiritual-Eye-Centered Meditation

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Colin: I am struggling with my practice. I have experienced great results through the practice of heart centered meditation. Until recently, I have start to fall from tranquil into tired. I have tried working with between the eyebrow meditation, but don’t receive the same ones as when centered from the heart. I also fall back into the maya.


How to Quit Refusing to Meditate

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from KK: I don’t know why I refuse to meditate when I know it’s helped me when I did do it. I fact I don’t do anything that I know helps me. I love doing crochet &want to spend all my time crocheting! Perhaps it’s my addictions that are in the way? Also, I’ve been told people who have a brain chemical…


Understand Reason Behind Pressure and Vibrations in the Head During Meditation

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Ellu: During meditation, I feel a small hit/pressure of finger from inside to outside in crown chakra. I could feel the jerk or vibration on my tongue after few minutess. During that time could feel a small vibration on my head. Would love know about the experience.


Asana of Meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Nick: When sitting in siddhasana (as a male) , is it possible for “awakened” energy via the perineum to leak out of my body if the sitting form is improper? Sometimes after I sit in siddhasana I feel drained afterwards