Spiritual Eye


I have heard of some yogis who are seeing Kutastha all the time, regardless of meditation, kriya or performing jyoti mudra. What does that mean, in spiritual sense, when such yogi is constantly seeing Kutastha?

—Mima, Hungary


Dear Mima,

What does it mean to be “seeing” Kutastha “all the time?” Let’s explore this.

In meditation, we are taught to look for and commune with the “spiritual eye.” The “jyoti” or light of the spiritual eye (Kutastha) can assume innumerable shapes, colors and so on but is generally depicted in its fullness as circular with an outer ring of yellow; an inner circle of deep blue/indigo/black and a five-pointed white star in the center.

When you, therefore, use the term (in English) “seeing” we have to say that even a great yogi, while performing daily actions of washing, driving, reading, speaking, eating etc, will NOT be “seeing” this shape or these colors constantly. To do so would be distracting to the tasks at hand. While it is true one can see the spiritual eye during activity, this is not going to be universally true all the time or for all great yogis and masters. There may be one here and there who has this special grace or experience but surely neither Jesus Christ nor Paramhansa Yogananda was seeing the spiritual eye day and night without cease!

By contrast, however, Paramhansa Yogananda once described a “master” as one whose consciousness is permanently fixed at the point between the eyebrows. Even you and I can speak and act with our awareness inclusive of the point between the eyebrows. This helps move our “center of gravity” from the negative pole of the sixth chakra (i.e., the medulla oblongata) to the region of the Kutastha.

It can only be this latter explanation that can be said to apply to all great saints and masters. Just as in English “watching” the breath isn’t a literal fact, so “seeing” need not be a literal fact. “Seeing” can include “feeling” energy, feeling centered, or being conscious of the Kutastha.

I hope this explanation will be helpful to you.

Blessings and joy to you,
Nayaswami Hriman
Seattle WA USA