
Prayer Before and After Meditation

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Flaminia SILJ: I have just started to meditate. I sit cross-legged with a cushion and am comfortable. I find that I tend to lean forward and have to bring my spine back to what feels like a straight position. Also, apart from battling a wandering mind, I have difficulty with the initial and final prayer. Maybe I just have to find my…


How to increase concentration at work?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from S. Chowdhury: How can I increase my concentration and work for a long time in any work? At the same time how can I make my work joyful?


Why do I feel pain and longing for freedom inside myself?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Ankit: I am 24, a graduate in Yoga and have been teaching Yoga as my profession to make a living. I also am regular to self yoga practice ( basic pranayama and asana). But this doesn’t complete me. Some pain hidden inside. A quest in me taking a deeper space now, more often I think how it feels to be free,…


Why Did God Create Karma and Suffering?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from charu: namaste; is karma the only medium through which self realization happens, why is the creator playing with our emotions through the process called karma. In other words, why existence and hence so much suffering everywhere? would be so grateful I get answer to this question, its been bothering me for long time. thanks for responding to my previous questions. with…


Seeing Light in Meditation

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Ramya: Hi, Sometimes while in meditation when am calm n see this golden light, trying to intensify concentration I get a feeling as though I am going unconscious and this scares a part of me from proceeding. What is this and how to handle it


Tips for One-Day Fasting

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Rob Redeker: Dear Swami, I am reading The Path (“het Pad” in Dutch) by swami Kriyananda. In the Path Kriyananda mentions fasting. This idea appeals to me, to follow his example by fasting one day a week. However since I have difficulties with balancing foods and drinks, i would like to receive some advice including do’s an don’ts. Can you help me…


Shall I Follow My Passion?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Vesna: I started my masters in technology (maybe under influence of society and people around) in Germany 6 months ago. But now I feel that I am not following one of my passions (Music, History, Languages, etc). What is more important if I want to grow spiritually? Completing the course( duty of student life) or following the passion?


Shall I Pray to God or the Guru?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from David: Dear Ananda ministers, I always asked myself why should I pray to Saints or our Gurus if we can directly contact God when praying? I ask that because my uncle died with great pain from cancer some years ago. And my mother, his sister, said that she desperately prayed to Mahavatar Babaji on his deathbed, but she doesn’t know if…


Why Do People Lose Faith in God?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Feo: Why is it that some people who had a strong faith in God. Start to lose their faith and no matter how much they pray and meditate they in the end loses their faith. What is the reason for this?


How to Remain Calm When People Challenge You

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Tanzing: Hello. What makes a person very emotional, attached, sensitive? How to overcome being very sensitive. How to deal with people who are rude in tone or insensitive to you…at times I just get hurt and don’t know how to respond. What is life teaching me through this? Regards, Tanzing