
Relationship with a Married Man

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Mamta: I am a 61 year old unmarried woman, holding a good position in the education sector. Recently, a young married man, 44 years of age, with a 13 year old son, has professed his love. I now find myself looking forward to his messages (we only connect through messages), and very rarely talk on the phone. So why and how…


How to Come Out of Depression and Isolation

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Sally: I am 61 years old, and have suffered from inertia, deep depression and alienation since infancy. I was diagnosed aged 35 with benign tumours in my neuroendocrine system, and have several cancers about which I have never sought-medical advice. I have little love for life left in me, but am terrified of death and the afterlife, feeling deeply ashamed of…


Energization Exercises During Menstruation

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Sangeetha: Hello, Is it alright to do Energization exercises during Menstruation? Especially the stomach exercise? How about practicing Hang-sau, AUM meditation and Kriya Yoga during Menstruation? I read in one of the Question and Answers section of your website, that Hatha Yoga has not been recommended by Master for his women disciples. Is there any specific reason for that?


Dryness in Throat During Meditation

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Arti: Namaste My throat becomes too much dry while meditation. Thats why I cant concentrate. please help me.


Feeling Tired After Meditation

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Arjun: Greetings Sometimes, after I meditate I feel tired and at a loss for energy. Is this okay….? Am I doing something wrong? And is it ok if I meditate right after eating occasionally, when I don’t find time? Regards Arjun


How to Avoid Kundalini Rising in an Unpleasant Way?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from V: Namaste I once experienced kundalini rising, a year ago, when I started intense meditations from Internet on third eye before I was a member of yogoda. The only symptom that freaked me out was sudden hot energy at root chakra, and I stopped meditations immediately as I feared I would become a psycho. What should I do in case this…


How Does One Spiritually Encounter the Holocaust?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Jennifer: I am the descendant of victims of the German holocaust. Most of my family perished including little children. How could God allow these things to happen? And what i see on the internet is a continuation of that racial hatred against the Jewish race i was born into. How does one spiritually encounter that hatred? I feel if i ignore…


Shall I Marry This Woman?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Sadananda: I am a trainee doctor. I love a girl who is from arts educational side. We met around 3.5 yrs ago.I considered her my spiritual partner. she too helped me in my hard phases. But due to family pressure i couldnt marry her and she got married last year only to get divorced recenty. Since last 6 mnths we r…


How Will I Know God’s Answer?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Nicole: I’ve come to a crossroads in my life; wondering what path to take next. I’ve asked God to give me an answer on what to do, how will I know Gods answer?