
Astrology Says I Will Die Soon. What Should I Do?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Raj Singh: Two brahmins – one at my birth and the other a year ago – told me that I’ll die at an early age as i have ‘alaf’. I am 16 currently, and it was told to my mom that i might die anytime from now, so i wanted to ask if anything could be done to save my life, or…


Why Give God Any Time If He doesn’t Give Any Signs?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Melchior: Why should i give God any of my time, when God doesn’t give me any signs that He is there? Is it too much to ask for just a small sign, so that i know that i am not wasting my time with meditation?


I Have Material Desires, So Is the Guru Still Pleased With Me?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from pushkar: Greetings gurudev, Yogananda is coming in my dreams often now since I meditate a lot on him.Am I going closer to him?The problem is that I have few material wishes.Due to this I have a feeling that I might not be pleasing him.I am kind of confused.Kindly suggest as to what to do


What Do You Think About The Urantia Book?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Jas: Dear ones, what is your opinion about the Urantia book? Is it worth reading, or is there just a lot of nonsense in it? Does it have the value of “spiritual food”? Does it say anything against what Yogananda teaches?


Karma of Being Murdered – What Kind of Karma Brings About Murder and Crime?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Alok: What type of karma does one have to invite tragic sudden accident, or murder? We see little kids being raped, sodomised, brutally murdered. What karma can possibly result in these types of death? Does it mean that they must have caused a similar type of injury to the responsible person, in some other lifetime? In terms of the experience of…


How To Remain Unaffected in Bad Company

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from chandrajita: How can I remain unaffected when I am in bad company, and can’t avoid these persons, as they are loved ones of my own family? Please tell a way to continue to stay in tune with God, so that we may not deviate from the path of Self-realisation.


When Will My Problems End?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Saumya Shukla: Nowadays my life is full of problems. I am a 20 year old girl and my birth date is 20 feb 1997 at 6pm. My mom just lost her job. I appeared for a exam, passed it, but didn’t get the clg . I never ever disobeyed my parents or elders or teachers. Never treated the poor people bad, so…


To Find Complete Realization, How Do I Proceed?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from jacob: I want to reach full connection with my Self, and the higher Divine, be that Nirvana or the Tao. I read and I understand, I accept and recognize the teachings of the great masters as truth, but I am not sure I am fully acting out my knowledge. What should i do?


I Heard an Inner Voice and Am Scared

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Lewis: What has just happened to me? It was 1:22AM, and I was working with my tablet. I wanted to go downstairs to get a drink of water, but when I was about to open my bedroom door I heard a voice in my head saying “No, don’t go down.” Then I could not open the door, the handle was jammed….