Find Relief from Stress Through Meditation


Hello, I feel anxious during uncertainities and keep myself tense most of the time. It even takes a toll on my health and well being. I am keen to learn the art of meditation to bring mental peace and focus towards the life. However, I'm not able to get a right direction/approach to start this journey. There are so many meditation courses available but frankly speaking I'm scared everything is commerialized. I'm not able to decide how to seek the right opinion and begin my journey towards peace

—Himanshu, India


Dear Friend,

In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna assures us that “even a little practice of this inward religion (meditation) will save you from dire fears and colossal sufferings.”

Meditation won’t make life’s problems disappear magically but will bring relief to your nervous system, heart, mind and soul. Ananda offers online meditation training and classes by its teachers in cities around India and the world. Our approach is simple, effective, and universal: anyone can benefit.

There are also special “tension exercises” and breath control techniques that are useful. Remember it’s not the causes of anxiety that are the problem. It is our response to perceived sources of anxiety that matters and that we can learn to modify our response to.

Breathe deep; smile; say “Thank you, God for the gift of Life. Thou art my Life!” Find a meditation teacher and a meditation group and ask for guidance, strenth, and joy to live the life you are destined to live.

Nayaswami Hriman