Can Headaches Be a Sign of Rising Kundalini?


I have been in meditation for more than 6 years, when I was started meditation , I used to drink alcohol , I was a smoker & used to eat non veg.

Gradullay I quite everythIng, now I am a pure veg still practing meditation.Now recently I am getting pressure behind my head, head ache very frequently , body been vibrated during sleeping very oftenly .my question all these symptoms are because of my kundalini is awakening ? If yes then then what’s pet I suppose to go for?


Sreeni vk

—Sreeni, UAE


Dear Sreeni,

In cases like this, it is best to eliminate any physical / medical causes FIRST because the symptoms you describe aren’t classically symptoms of kundalini energy rising. While dietary modifications might be in order, you should begin by having a “physical” examination by a competent doctor and include disclosure of the symptoms you are experiencing: pressure behind your head, head ache, and body shaking while resting.

I would ask, also, whether any of these symptoms are triggered when meditating? While this isn’t absolutely necessary for kundalini energy, it can be useful if one can establish a connection between meditation and the symptoms.

So, first: do what you can to eliminate the possibility of medical (physical) causes. Next, if nothing is found medically, you may need to look at a bigger picture that includes an examination and some experimentation where appropriate with:

  • Your diet: starches, sugar, fresh fruit & vegetables, protein (quantity and quality), caffeine intake
  • Exercise: how much, what kind, etc.
  • Your age
  • Your occupation
  • Past medical history
  • Medical history of your family
  • Sports prior and current

Naturally it is best if you can work with a competent medical provider, whether naturophath or allopath (in your case, perhaps Ayurvedic as well).

Now as to kundalini energy: this is a bigger inquiry even than above but it is premature to make this inquiry until medical causes have been investigated and eliminated. In such cases I make an inquiry regarding meditation habits, techniques, history of fasting, head injuries, mental imbalance, current prescriptions, past drug use, and whether personal habits tend toward extremes.

Finally, let me say that for most people, practicing a time-tested, guru-blessed meditation technique as taught and prescribed, together with “yamas and niyama” (right forbearance and right action, “do’s” and “don’ts”), devotion, satsang, and service are sufficiently balancing body, mind, and spirit such that the awakening of kundalini proceeds along safe and appropriate channels. Few people have anything to fear on this account if they follow such actions using common sense and having some proper guidance in their practices and in their life.

Blessings and joy to you,
Nayaswami Hriman