See All as Children of God


Of late I have received a lot of valuable guidance from you which has been of great help. I am currently living with my parents post his retirement, at a place whose environment is very different from the upbringing we had when my father was in service. We have been exposed to much better environment, but here the people are very unexposed, uncouth and crude. I almost lose my temper every time dealing with them as I have never cm across such aggressive, loud and mannerless. What’s the way to handle them?

—Sangita, India


Dear Sangita,

The best way I have found in working with people you simply do not resonate with is to always be positive and cheerful. You need to always be strong in who you are so that nothing touches you from the outside. You need to not judge them in any way, but instead give them love — love that you draw from the Divine source.

These are big orders, but they work because you stay in a higher state. In this state you do not get drawn into where they are coming from — unless, of course, you have those seeds within yourself. I was very moody when I met Swami Kriyananda. He would say to me be even minded and cheerful all the time. This could apply also to your situation for it gives them an example of how to behave and it keeps you from going down to what you perceive is their level.

Meditate, meditate more. If you do not have a meditation practice, go to website to acquire meditation techniques that work, that will bring you to a state of knowing who you are and how you can work with this world of duality.

In all things, it is best not to judge others because being a dual world this judgement will come back to you. It is best to see all as children of God, as a brother or sister, one whom may be in darkness and delusion, who sees the world as black and white only, yet who are being guided by the Divine, as they allow Him to do so. With your non-judgement and with the love you project, in time, with this magnetism, they will change. And so will you.

Blessings to you, Seva