Sudden Death of a Loved One


my father passed away recently , suddenly he was not ill, or any thing i feel devastated tell me how to lead life without him

please help

i feel like a body with no soul ever since this has happened


—reema, india


Dear Reema,

I’m so sorry for your loss. You will rebuild your life. Know this. But also know it will take you time.

Embrace all that your father was to you and all you have done together. Be in joy that you had such a good father to help with your life. Do not get into any feeling that you have failed him or hurt him. These feelings will block any energy that will come to you from him and from God. Keep your heart open and receptive, loving all, and in this way your life will be guided.

You have a soul of your own that needs to be re-directed to a higher energy, such as your guru or to God. This is what your father would want you to do, I’m sure. Know also that you are loved by him and that God is with you also always.

Bless you, Seva