The Best Antidote to Fear


Dear Ananda,

Am a KRIYA yoga level 2 practitioner I did love marriage during my marriage time my in-laws referred our horoscope they found that it doesn’t match properly but we did some parikaram from that onwards I used to afraid unnecessary about my husband s safety, later on I involved myself in various yoga and meditations I fould that my fearlevel reduced a lot.but recently my husband met with a minor accident again my fears and negative thoughts are troubling me kindly guide me please

—Kavitha, India


Dear Kavitha,

We fear the undesirable situations that plague this world including but not limited to loss, pain, suffering, and death. It is natural to fear these things as long as we are convinced we are no more than a human body that can think and function. We forget our true identity as infinite, eternal, ever new bliss! That is why it is essential to meditate and be guided by a true guru to realize the One True Self.

I’ve personally found the best antidote to fear is faith in God. Regardless of whatever is going on, I find it is most helpful to offer it to Divine Mother, saying in your own words something like this; “Divine Mother, this is your lila. This is a very difficult test I am going through and I know it is for my highest good. Guide me to know the truth and teach me to love you more perfectly that I may realize my oneness with You.”

Regarding your husband, when you pray see him held in Divine Mother’s Light and Love, protecting him always through the storms of life.

Divine Mother bless you in your meditation and spiritual practices that you may be free of all fear,