What Are the Lyrics to “When My Dream’s Dream Is Done”?


Please send me the full lyric Mr Saiganesh singing "when my dreams dream is done" I am not able to follow the pronunciation



Dear Sairam,

Thank you for your question. I assume you’re referring to this video?

The lyrics by Yogananda are:

Whence do they come here?
Whither do they flit away?
Whence do they come here?
Whither do they flit away?
In all follies’ dark sway,
keep floating on hope’s way.
Take the dust of each one’s feet,
serving Mother where She sleeps.

Whence do they come here?
Whither do they flit away?
Whence do they come here?
Whither do they flit away?
In all follies’ dark sway,
keep floating on hope’s way.
When my dream’s dream is done,
She will lift me on Her lap.