Connecting With Others on the Spiritual Path


1. Do you go for spiritual trips (ie Himalayas and places of similar spiritual vibes).

2. If I want to be part of Ananda, what should I do? I have done level 1. But I am confused about my path.. sometimes I feel like giving up everything and join some spiritual orgn.

—RK, India


Dear RK,

Yes, we do go to holy places on pilgrimage: India, Europe, and even America (where Yogananda lived). The different centers of Ananda throughout the world organize trips for their members and students. Places where the spirit of God has descended — into and through those holy persons who have dwelt there — remain forever blessed because God is Infinite and Eternal. In addition, however, there are other aspects of pilgrimage: the time, the effort, the sacrifices, the hardships and even the cost necessary to go on pilgrimage are all purifying to the heart; the time spent with others of like mind deepens one’s devotion and inspiration; and, lastly, the openness to receive the blessings which might await is itself a blessing.

Fear not the steps to further engagement with other devotees. Ananda is more than an organization. The outer husk is like the hive for bees. The hive only serves as a place for the honey of inspiration and God-realization to be realized.

Contact whichever center is closest to you or the person with whom you feel a special connection. Covid-19 has taught us all to be more relaxed with online or virtual communications and connections. Thus the possibilities are much greater now than they were even a year ago, simply because we are more open to them.

Whenever we commit ourselves in a particular direction (career, relationship, or spiritual path, for example), we naturally exchange our choices in return for greater depth of experience and feeling. This is natural and right in order for our lives to develop toward maturity and wisdom. Fear not. What steps you take in the direction of spiritual growth with sincerity and calm awareness will never let you down. Divine Mother will always guide and protect you. But doing nothing brings one nothing.

May the Light of Joy be your Guide!
Nayaswami Hriman