Finding Peace and Joy Amidst Suffering


Dear Sir/Madam, I am a firm believer in God’s greatness but struggle to understand how can there be animals and children suffering so much in this world. I meditate a lot but still struggle with anxiety when I see helpless beings suffering? I try to help as per my financial and physical capability but it’s not enough. My heart is restless and sad. Is it bad karma that causes us to reincarnate as animals suffering in this lifetime? How do I find peace and joy in my heart amidst this suffering?

—MJ Gill, Australia


Dear MJ,

Thank you for your heartfelt question. Suffering is part of a bigger picture. But how do we handle it?

A great Indian Saint, Anandamoyi Ma, once was asked this same question and this is what she answered:

She said, (paraphrased) “Do you think the same God that made us and the earth does not know that there is suffering? And that He is taking care of all of it?” How do we have that same faith in God and His Divine Plan?

As human beings, we have too narrow of a vision. Everything we don’t understand is a puzzle. How to transcend the tiny human understanding? All suffering comes to us as disguised blessings. Suffering and sorrow come as a prod to find meaning. Otherwise we might stroll through life satisfied with common fulfillment — until death draws the curtain over the whole scene.

Becoming dissatisfied with what we know is wrong with the suffering in the world is needed. This restlessness can bring our next step. And, as you are doing, trying to help financially and physically when possible is wonderful. But as you said ‘your heart is still restless and sad’. We can do more by knowing and developing the Inner Self and connection with the Divine Presence. The physical plane is too huge to effect any lasting change.

That restlessness and sadness can bring the wisdom to search for a higher reality. Turn your anxiety into activity and your spiritual practices. The cure is in God’s peace and love. The rational mind will never be able to fully understand the ins and outs of karma and reincarnation. If you meditate you will develop an inner understanding and deeper intuition. You will, then, expand vision of the world around you. You may not be able to stop the pain and injustice of the world alone but you will come closer trusting the Higher Consciousness.

Try to turn your gaze to the most important things: love, light, any positive events and bliss of meditation. Keep trying and never give up. You will see, with your efforts, you will find peace of mind and radiate out that positive energy to all. You will effect a great change and the world will be helped by your trust and love.

Many blessings on your efforts,
Nayaswami Hassi