How Can I Meditate On My Chakras?



I need to start meditating on the chakras. Please guide me.

Thank you.

—Deepak Pamnani, India


Dear Deepak,

The chakras are a rather big topic. I recommend you read the book Raja Yoga by Swami Kriyananda. It speaks about many things, and also about the chakras.

For now, try to locate them, feeling them where they are.

In meditation, tense the anus, relax, and feel at the bottom of the spine a energy center: muladhara chakra. If you don’t feel it, visualize it as a center of light.

Next tense and relax the sexual muscles, and feel, at that level but more in the center of the body, an energy center: svadhistana chakra.

Next tense and relax the navel area, and feel, at that level but more in the center of the body, an energy center: manipura chakra.

Next tense and relax the shoulder blades, and feel, at that level but more in the center of the chest, an energy center: anahata chakra.

Next tense and relax the throat, and feel, at that level but more in the center of the neck, an energy center: vishuddha chakra.

Next tense and relax the back of the neck, and feel an energy center, the negative (receptive) pole of the agya chakra.

Next tense and relax the point between the eyebrows, and feel an energy center, the positive pole of the agya chakra.

Meditate on each one. Leave out the crown chakra (sahasrara).

Here is a guideline: the chakras are “spinal shrines”, as Yogananda explains in his Autobiography of a Yogi, holy inner places which hold “superconscious forces”. Bliss hides in each one. May you have a little taste of it right away.

In divine friendship,