How To Change Negative Vibrations in Food?


Namaste. Nowadays food, water & food products, even if sattwic, mostly have low vibrations, for example the negative vibrations of people handling them, and we imbibe these vibrations if we take them just like that.

Please offer some methods by which we can purify the food products and change their low vibrations to higher one, for example what to pray and what minimum time to devote in our busy life and use of incense. Please elaborate the protocol, or send a link where it is explained. Regards

—Harpal, India


Dear Harpal,

You may sing the food blessing we use at Ananda all the time: sing along HERE

Afterwards rub your hands to energize them, and then, chanting OM (mentally if needed, or aloud) placing your hands above the food, consciously send energy and light into it.

You may also repeat Yogananda’s food prayer:

“Heavenly Father, receive this food. Make it holy.
Let no impurity of greed ever defile it.
The food comes from Thee.
It is to build Thy temple.
Spiritualize it.
Spirit to Spirit goes.
We are the petals of Thy manifestation,
but Thou art the Flower, its life,
beauty and loveliness.
Permeate our souls with the fragrance
of Thy presence.”

You can follow it HERE

If you can, eat food which has been prepared by positive persons. If that is not possible, bless the food, and you will be 100% fine.

Don’t fear that negative vibrations enter into you. Fear weakens you. Feel strong from inside, your soul is powerful. The stronger magnetism wins over the weaker magnetism.

God bless you,