I See Light and Hear Sounds As I wake Up and When I Fall Asleep. What Is This?


I see violet or green light in my third eye just before I can wake up. It starts with a buzzing in both ears, building up to a crescendo, sometimes followed by bells ringing, sometimes singing. This happens regularly most mornings. I am confused if this is sleep paralysis or something spiritual. It started last year when I was practicing yoga and breath and mantra meditation. I could vividly see things in my third eye while asleep or just before waking up. I got scared and stopped meditating.

—Gulnaar, Australia


Dear Gulnaar,

No need to get scared. Something beautiful is happening to you.

Superconsciousness, Yogananda explains, is a fine line between the conscious and subconscious state. Sometimes it can happen that when we practice spiritual techniques, the effect shows when we deeply relax, for example when we slip from being awake into sleep: just there is that superconscious door (that fine line), and we can have spontaneous spiritual experiences. The same when we wake up. That is what is happening for you.

You hear buzzing, that is the inner buzz, it is good, more than good. Listen too it intently. The bells is the sound of the heart chakra. You even hear singing… you are blessed. It is all very spiritual.

The lights of various colors you see are a spiritual experience too.

In short, take up your yoga and breath and mantra meditation SOON! And enjoy these inner experiences. They are yogic soul-food.

God bless you,