My Wife Is Ill, What Can I Do?


Dearest Swami Ananda,

My wife is very ill and suffers from mental and physical illness. Sometimes this is very hard on me too.

I pray for answers and do recieve some.....

Her depresion is very deep and bi-polar mania has her up and down. Any advice is always welcome. Her faith is very week some time and she often wants to die. The doctors have not been helping very much

Any advice would be well recieved

My Blessing to you


—Carlos Burlar, USA


Dear Carlos,

I’m sorry for your wife’s suffering. I’m sorry to say I cannot give you advice that might help her. All I can say is that it is important for you to be taking strong steps to keep your own spiritual energy high.

You mentioned that you are praying, which is wonderful. If you are able to add meditation into your day, or even better, Energization Exercises (to have more energy) plus meditation, this would be wonderful. You can learn more about both of these at The Ananda Course in Meditation. Step One of the Course introduces you to both meditation and the Energization Exercises.

I would also encourage you to explore the resources on – especially things such as talks by Swami Kriyananda or the Ananda Sunday Services. These talks might help you replenish your own spiritual resources. All these services are free.

The more you feel uplifted in yourself, the more you will be able to get inspiration for things that might help your wife.

Please also send her name to Ananda’s Healing Prayer Council. Ananda has about 600 people around the world who pray for others, and you can request healing prayers on this page. Nine people will be given her name and will pray for her for a month. Let her know this is happening and that she should try to tune in to receive the prayers that are coming her way. I think you should also send in your own name, since the role of caretaker can be quite challenging. You can renew the prayer request at the end of the month, as often as you would like.

May God bless you both,