What Was Sri Yukteswar’s message to me?


The last few nights I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I had a strong sensation Sri Yukteswar was visiting me (not sure if I was imagining this or if it was real). But my mind is/was too troubled to receive the message properly. The only thing I could get out of it was: "be careful/aware of the mountain". Any Ideas to what it means, and/or how to better receive the message? Kind regards.

—Robin, Netherlands


Dear Robin, Sorry to hear you are having trouble sleeping. If you such had a strong sensation that Sri Yukteswar was visiting you, then it is probably true. He may have been trying to bless you and/or offer you healing energy of some sort. My suggestion would be to pray to him before your meditations and also before you sleep, asking him to reveal any messages he might have for you, or to simply give you strength through his love. Perhaps you need to be especially careful just now, because some obstacle (symbolized by a mountain) might be in, or soon coming into, your life soon. He may be trying to guide you through a challenging time, as our great Masters always want to do. But don’t be afraid! Remain calmly open to his love and blessings. And remember, Yogananda says “…there are no obstacles; there are only opportunities.” Everything that comes to us offers opportunities to grow stronger spiritually and to learn needed lessons. Blessings to you!