
Building Good Habits

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Devika: What is the most effective method to form a habit? How can you overcome the resistance of bad habits while forming good ones that won’t hold you back?


Am I Seeing the Spiritual Eye?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Pete: Something has happened to my consciousness. I don’t meditate. The spiritual eye was seen with the centre, scrambled up in motion but not formed. As well on two occasions from waking have experienced a luminous form of a human shape from shoulders up with no facial features. Then shortly after the same figure but three identical figures. I had the…


Why Do I Feel Vibrations in My Spine?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Revathi: I am able to sense the vibrations of other’s spinal cord. I practice meditation . May I know the reason for sensing such vibrations. I have never experienced such vibrations before.


Understand Reasons for a Headache During Meditation

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from MARY KATE Villacres: I have been meditating for a year and a half now every morning. I started this past week with 2 new mantras by Sadhguru. The first I can do with no problem but when the second one starts I am good until about 2 minutes into it. All of a sudden I get a pain in the left side of…


How Do You Activate All Chakras?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Shane janoch: When I was trying to open my chakra I could only think about people in my life, not on the light. Am I doing this right?


Why Do I Feel This Sensation When I Meditate on My Forehead?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from arun kumar: For the last 2-3 months, I have been feeling a pressure on my forehead in between and slightly above the center of the eyebrows. I have been eating Brahmi and concentrating on my studies intensely for the last 2 years. Does it happen due to that reason? Will it go if I don’t practice it further? Is it good or…


How Long Does It Take To Reach Deep Meditation?

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Roshan Mathew: Sometimes I am naturally able to meditate deeply and for long time without any problem but sometimes I feel restless during meditation and feel an urge to stop. How do I make my meditations long and deep for most times?


Experiencing Pressure in Temples during Meditation

Nayaswami Mukti

Question from Venkatesh: Since few days I have a pressure on my both temples. I mean it’s very nice feeling. I enjoy that moment when I breathe in and out, i can feel them tight. Can you please answer, why it is happening and that too so suddenly? Thank you Guruji