Moving to a New Home While Pregnant


I am 9 months pregnant. Shall I change the home now? Do it have any adverse effects?



Thank you for your question.

As a mother of four children I can advise that — if not necessary — it is better to avoid such a situation as moving, if possible. Moving, of course, is very disruptive for yourself and the new baby. If you can wait until after the birth it is better. Creating a calm and harmonious atmosphere is most important for the new baby to come into.

If the move is necessary, then try your best to create that atmosphere around the move. For example, try to make sure you have the help in moving and that everyone gives you support.

Either way, many blessings on your birth, your family, and your new baby. I will send you my prayers.

This link is to the Peace and Harmony Prayer that can be most helpful for your birth, whether you move or not:

Many blessings,