How to Clean an Astrological Bangle

Kent White

Question from Stacia: I have an astrological bangle from Ananda and often the copper turns a dark color around the sides, while the gold and silver remain shiny. Recently I cleaned it with a soft toothbrush and Comet, scratch free cleaner (contains bleach also). It made the copper clean and shiny, but I wanted to ask if it is ok to clean the…


Sri Yukteswar’s Life Purpose

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Cyril: There is a line in Autobiography (maybe chapter 12 ) where Yogananda says that Sri Yukteswar could have been a mighty warrior ( or words to those effect ) if he chose but that in this life he chose to defeat the inner warriors ( or words to those effect ) and to storm the “inner citadels whose fall is…


Find Relief from Stress Through Meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Himanshu: Hello, I feel anxious during uncertainities and keep myself tense most of the time. It even takes a toll on my health and well being. I am keen to learn the art of meditation to bring mental peace and focus towards the life. However, I’m not able to get a right direction/approach to start this journey. There are so many…


Transforming Bad Sleep into Sound Sleep

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Cyril: Hi, More often than not these last years I wake up more tired than when I go to bed even though I try to follow yoga asanas etc that are designed to relax for sleep. It is just a bad habit that I have gotten into mentally where I feel I wont have any form of rejuvenating sleep. Day is…


Dealing with Guilt and Feeling Inadequate

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Susanne: Hallo, please can you give me an advice, how to overcome the feelings of guilt and inadequacy? I have many troubles because of these feelings. Thanks! God bless you. I love this website. Susanne


How to Serve Others

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from thea: I am learning to be a person of service. To be of service, to be aware of this in all that i do….but sometimes the weight of it, serving, service work, can be heavy. Judgements from others, opinions, perceptions, wheather reality or un reality, today the weight of it, of being of service…is heavy. And I feel an extreem sadness….


Who Were the Three Wise Men?

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Kailash: It has been said that the three wise men Jesus visited in India in those ‘missing years’ were Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya and Swami Sri Yukteshwar. But these Yogis were present during the incarnation of Yogananda. Mahavatar Babaji has been on Earth for 2000 or more years. But how is it that the Yogis were present during the time of…


Get Out of a Meditative Slouch

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Ken Harper: I have been meditating for nearly two years and have always used a stool. My latest challenge seems to be the nagging phenomenon, though I am unaware of it actually happening, for I will suddenly become aware of that I am uncomfortable for my body has relaxed so much that I am slouching in an upright position. Then I will…


I’ve Been Seeing Blue Spheres; What Do They Mean?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Carol: My question is on seeing blue spheres. This began some 30 plus years ago when in deep meditation in India with another guru. I see tiny flourescent dots, larger blue sheres and sometimes blue flourescent large spheres a few ft in diameter in the upper part of my room. This is a daily occurence. There is no particular mental state…


How to Have Inner Strength and Courage

Badri Matlock

Question from Chandan: How can one overcome an inferiority complex?How can one develop strength in oneself and courage?I read in an article by SK that seeking the good opinion of others is one of the great delusions.How can one overcome this tendency?