
The Need for Love

Nayaswami Seva

Question from karin: We all want to be loved. Is this a desire of the heart or of the ego?


Dealing with alcoholism in my family

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Uma: Having to deal with an alcoholic close relative i’m wondering what are the lessons God wants me to learn.


Does death obstruct soul growth?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Vinay: Hi, Is the transition from life-death and re-incarnation in any way obstructive to a soul’s natural growth towards God? Don’t we lose track of our experiences and lessons learnt in our life if we keep getting born and dying over and over, especially ones on the spiritual path? This new search for truth in all our lives doesn’t count to…


How to overcome restlessness and lack of focus

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from ST: I have constant feelings of restlessness..I always feel unsatisfied. It is hard to focus on my school work. I want to improve my willpower and concentration. How do I bring back focus, happiness, and motivation into my life?


Who is responsible: God or Man?

Asha Nayaswami

Question from aa: Why is it that people keep asking. If God exist why does bad things happend ? Why is it that they don`t understand that humans are behind most of the bad things that happens ?


What is the soul?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Nathan: If Prana and soul are different, what is the connection between the prana and soul? Does the prana help the soul to manifest in a body? Which comes first?In the mother’s womb, how does the soul and prana work together to create the body?


How to sit properly for meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Bhushan Patel: As i have learnt about meditation technique where in one has to sit keeping back streight on ground in “padmasan” or “sukhasan” for better flow energy through spine etc i can practice it for sometime but longer i am more comfortable sitting in a chair giving support to my back but yet fully engrossed in meditation watching my breath gazing…


The ego, the body, and the astral plane of existence

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from George: 1) When the physical body dies, the ego and consciousness go the astral plane. This implies the astral plane is able to be visited upon organic bodily death. Isn’t “death” here a metaphor as Jesus said “let the dead bury the dead?” Therefore only when the person is physically alive and the ego (consciousness) — Self (astral plane) axis can…


An Antidote for Loneliness

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Nilima: I see only suffering and despair in my life. I’m 41, was widowed at 36. Although I come from a large family, I’m living all alone in an alien country. I have gone through lot of hardship dealing with my loss and finally decided that I had to find a companion but I have utterly failed. Everyone seems to move…