
I just discovered this Question section. It's great.
Sometimes in meditation I need to use earplugs or headphones to quiet external noise. When I do I hear a pretty loud ringing in my ears, and I was wondering if anyone had had this experience and if anything helped. I found a "homeopathic" remedy but it's not helping. If I am able to meditate more deeply it's less distracting, but if I am trying to "listen" deeply or practice the Aum Technique, then the ringing really gets in the way. Thanks!

—Cris Crisman, New York City


It’s not uncommon for people to hear the heartbeat or ringing in the ears during meditation when they use earplugs or do the Aum technique.  Rather than trying to force ourselves to ignore those sounds, or to push them away, try and listen to those sounds as an aspect of Aum. All sound and vibration comes from Aum — if we listen to even physical sounds with reverence, it will help to take us deeper into ourselves. It can also take us deep enough where we begin to hear the various sounds of Aum. I know one person who has a case of tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears that they hear most of the time. Over time, they’ve learned to use that sound to help them concentrate and to go deep in meditation.

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