Why Do I Remember Situations from My Previous Lives?


I wonder why I start to remember situations from my previous lives. Maybe it has something to do with what's currently happening in my environment? Or maybe it is related to spiritual development? After all, one does not exclude the other. Or this is some kind of guidance for me?I will add that I haven't always had this access, (exeption for one time in my childhood years) only for about a year or a year and a half. Thank you for any sugestion.

—Anna, UK


Dear Anna,

Commonly, a young child has image-pictures of their immediately preceding life. These memories fade as the child grows into their current life personality, circumstances, and influences. Like all memories, it’s often impossible to know why a memory “pops up.” It just does!

Do you meditate? (I assume so.) Take then just one memory or image and after practicing your meditation technique(s), and after sitting quietly in devotion or stillness, hold up the image or memory to the spiritual eye and “ask” whether there is a message of importance being conveyed. You’ll probably have to do this numerous tunes depending on whether you feel there could be significance to the memory.

Otherwise, many such memories are random. If a past-life memory is important for you to know in this life, spiritually, it will feel important to you, intuitively. Otherwise, I would not attach significance to such memories. We have had so many past lives and so many experiences it would overwhelm us were we to know them all before we are sufficiently non-attached to the current life that we can view past lives with calm interest and wisdom.

God is as ever with you now as God will ever be. Truth is found in the eternal NOW just behind the ceaseless motion of mind and body.

Nayaswami Hriman