Does Kriya Yoga Affect Past Karma? Bad Karma? Good Karma?


Due to the practice of Kriya Yoga, does prarabdha (past) karma also get impacted? If yes, do the karmas get simply eliminated or they get fructified early? Does the practice of Kriya Yoga impacts only the past bad karmas, or good karmas as well?

—Shikha, India


Dear Shikha,

Your questions are excellent and insightful. My response to most things inspired by Yogananda’s teachings and the guidance of Swami Kriyananda is simply: both-and.

Yes, past karma can be impacted, but my understanding of the soul’s achieving nirbikalpa samadhi and becoming free as a jivan mukta is that past karma still exists. As a practical matter, therefore, Kriya Yoga will more likely address current life actions and tendencies.

Occasionally a kriyaban will notice that something unusual happens in meditation: like a “bomb” goes off in the spine. While it is not common to know what the “explosion” was about, it seems to many that something of the past has been released. But that’s only talk among kriyabans. Most of us have plenty to work on at the conscious level of thoughts, emotions, and behavior and for that battle daily practice of Kriya Yoga is powerfully effective.

Karma is karma: both good and bad. So, yes, both are impacted by guru’s grace and the power of Kriya. Is good karma an obstacle? Only to the extent of our ego-attachment to it. If I am proud of my love for meditation or my love for the guru, this little attachment may be impacted also. As Jesus Christ and Yogananda said, more or less, “Don’t worry about the details and don’t obsess on working on every fault. Love God and guru ever more deeply. By this effort, their grace will do the work.

And, lastly, sometimes Kriya practice awakens a samskara or vritti and it ripens. We call this a “karmic bomb.” What comes with this, however, is the strength, courage and grace to deal with it. We must always affirm our faith in God’s love and wisdom and take what comes in life with equanimity.

Live in the now presence of God and karma cannot touch you.

Nayaswami Hriman