How Can I Strengthen Will Power


What constitutes will? Where does it reside in us and how can we strengthen it? Can it be gauged through the results of our actions? What could be a demonstrable example of manifestation of will? Does will work in linear manner i.e., the more we do of a certain thing, the more willing we would be to do it again? What all forces operate in molding our will? I want to have a tremendously strong will, what should I do? I want to be free of fear of failure. Words are not helping anymore. What to do?

—Ashu, india


Dear Ashu,

Will power is an important aspect of human consciousness and activity. Without it, we simply fade away. In this age, will power is especially emphasized as it is an age of individuality, personal liberties, and freedom of choice. In past ages, we had few expectations of social mobility or improvement of life but now our expectations have been raised as our awareness of life’s possibilities has also increased.

As in all things in life, the teachings of Vedanta (Sanatan Dharma) reveal to us that all creation is but a manifestation of the Divine Will, power, and creativity. But the creation is given a choice: at first only instinctively but on the human level we have reason with which to guide our will creatively.

In one sense, therefore, the power of will doesn’t reside with us but has its source in God. But the Spirit resides in us in the causal and astral bodies around which is formed the physical body. (This is highly simplified.) In yoga teachings, there are three energy centers (chakras) that relate most notably to willpower:

  1. Cosmic energy enters as prana through the astral body and into the physical body through the medulla oblongata at the base of the brain. (The “mouth of God” as referred to in the Christian bible.) This is the Agnya chakra.
  2. Divine Will has its seat at the kutastha, the point between the eyebrows. Hence we tend to knit our eyebrows when we are concentrating deeply.
  3. Human will has its seat in the manipur, or navel, center, behind the navel and located along the subtle, astral spine in the center of the body.

When human will is offered upward to the divine will in the forehead we can spiritualize our will that our actions be according to dharma and not merely serve to add more karma to our evolution! There are numerous techniques for this including one taught by Lahiri Mahasaya known as Navi Kriya. (Write to us if you are interested in this.)

Paramhansa Yogananda made a unique contribution to the yoga science in a series of 39 exercises that you would find enormously useful in developing control of the life force energy in the body for the purposes of manifesting will power.

The energization exercises are taught at Ananda centers worldwide and can be found on YouTube and on the Ananda Meditation App.

Will power must not, however, be developed without inner guidance; intuition; harmony with right action (dharma). To use your human will to get what you want at the expense of your inner peace or the welfare of other people will end in unhappiness. A life of prayer, meditation, devotion, and humility combined with creative use of willpower is the most pleasing way to live and produces the greatest happiness for you and all others. “Not my will, Lord, but thy will be done” should be our daily prayer.

As to fear of failure: willpower alone does not guarantee success but failures can sow the seeds of success when we learn from our errors. Be not afraid of failure for no one of great willpower is above failure. The most successful people in life probably fail nearly half the time but their willpower is such that they keep going. If you are afraid of failure you cannot develop your will. You must be willing to fail but not let it discourage you. Think of how a child learns to walk: by constantly falling down! A great pianist starts with finger exercises.

In a deeper sense, God alone is the doer of all actions. It is God’s power by which we act. We draw upon divine power when we use our willpower. This is the key to dissolving the fear of failure. The only failure is not to act!

This is a very important subject for everyone. Swami Kriyananda wrote a lengthy course called Material Success through Yoga Principles. You might wish to study these lessons. Contact for more information. Paramhansa Yogananda wrote a booklet called Law of Success. Well worth finding. There are of course others.

In summary: learn the Energization Exercises; have a daily meditation practice; serve God through others with joy and willingness; pray for guidance as to your life’s work and your daily duties. Energy is the instrument of will power and energy and joy go hand and in.

In joy,
Nayaswami Hriman